Hello, I am new to the forum.. been hunting turkey and deer for a few years, but just now geting into bow hunting.. glad to be on here
Welcome to the forums. Sit back and learn from the vets around here and soak in what they can teach you.
As long as your hunting isn't similar to "shooting fish in a barrel" you'll be fine too. Also, make sure you limit posting bucks you've harvested under at least a hundred times. Oh, if you have a boat, paint it yourself, don't let your girlfriend do it for you. Speaking of girlfriends, limit those pics to under a 100 times too. Don't ever say that Rage broadheads are superior to any other fix broadheads. One more thing...if you call out anybody, especially GMMAT, be prepared for a 10-12 page thread! Other than that, welcome aboard! I love this forum!