Last weekend my hunting partner called me around 7:00PM to tell me he just shot a buck in his backyard. I went over to his house to help him track it, I brought my 13 year old son along so he could learn to track. We followed the blood trail for about 100 to 120 yards and than it just vanished. We looked for more blood for over 3 hours and than stop, decided to try again in the morning. After the morning hunt we looked again for more than 4 hours and still nothing. He and I both just bought one of those blood tracking flashlights to see if will help to find blood at night. Does anyone have one of these and if so, how good does it work. Thanks
I bought one off of ebay for $25.00 plus $6.00 shipping. This the one that I bought Gerber Carnivore Blood Tracking Light.