Walking to my stand I saw 5 deer, this was at 2:50 all of them in fields to far to shoot. I got in my stand at 3:10, I was there about 20 minutes as I was replying to a text I dropped my phone. I climbed down to get it, climbed back up at that time it was 3:27, at 3:30 I spot two does (or what I thought was 2 does one was a button buck) about 50 yards in front of me, thinking they were goin to come right to me I grabbed my bow and took my golve off that was on my release hand.They mingled around (for what turned out to a half an hour, my had was freezing) eating acorns and what live green plants that are left. as they circled around my right side on to an old hill road I knew as long as they didnt cut down over the bank Id get a shot. The wind as out of the norht east tonight as they worked there way up the hill they were straight down wind. The bigger of the 2 kept sticking her nose in the air and looking up my way, I thought i was busted. (good thing i sprayed down pretty haevy at the truck) When she finally decided nothing was wrong she walked right through my shooting lane never offering a shot. the second one on the other had stopped perfect. 20 yards pefectly broadside double lung only went about 50 yards. I know guys its a little button buck but my grandpa doesnt hunt any more and lives by himself so it is perfect of him.
Doesn't matter what it is to us, you touched the trigger so it is your trophy. Congrats on the deer, and his rack is the same size as a 5.5 year old in April
Thank you sir. At first I thought it was a little high but the angle made it perfect. in my book anyway