:d Well i just pimped my bow with an Octane 11.5" stabalizer that justin ordered for me. He said the supplier only had one in stock in this color (hardwoods Grey) Thanks Justin!! I also ordered some red BCY nock tying thread from Redhdcharm on HNI and ordered some colored cord from her as well. I decided to use the red thread and berry colored cord to replace the cord on the rip cord as well as the D-loop. I just got done tie'ing it all up. I also did an old Indian trick and replaced most of the accessorie allen screws with stainless stell hard ware to minimize rust, and colored the hard ware with a red sharpie to give it that aluminun anodized look :d (<<<pimpin)Next on the list is a custom string in Grey with a red band and a custom wrist strap. Dont laugh :d Im expressing myself here
Impressive a guy like you can color coordinate things. :evil: Get a red/gray grip done up for it as well. Pretty sweet lookin' if I don't say so myself.
You getting a string soon? If so all that pretty tieing went to waste! :d lol I did the same for my bow last summer, looks sweet. Red/black strings..red peep tying thread...red dloop...red/black doublewide slingbraid wrist sling...even got a red/white color scheme on my wraps and blazers....it is pimpin now. lol Found out I will likely be at the NWTF banquet after all now Dink. Probably most of the day Saturday. I'm leavin my wallet in the truck though! lol
if you want to go all out, take that blue g5 peep off, and sharpie it black....guilty as charged , It was just a pet peeve of mine to have a blue peep on a red color combo bow.
Didn't know they had pimps in your hood Dan??? When you gonna take that sharpie to those CAMS?? Next Reality Show on TV.....PIMP MY BOW!!!!:evil:
John,, Im the first pimp in my hood :d one of the benifits of living in the middle of no where :d Trev... I pm'ed you my cell #, call me if you make it to the NWTF convention Sat.. and yeah, i already thought of the G5 being black.. I went ahead and tied everything up so i can get to shooting,,,,not sure when ill get the string
Me to :d But i had this idea long ago, but couldnt do it until i got the stabalizer :d Forgive me Ben!!
I like it! I just replaced my dropaway cord and string loop with blue cord to match my new blue/black strings. Feels like I got a new bow!
To steal a line from Buckeye: A true player would do something with the cams.....Just sayin' Looks good bud.......Haha. I ain't a Where do you get the SS screws and stuff. I got's some rusty ones to replace and I may steal the sharpie thing if you don't mind.:d
Hey Crik, did you know that the color red in nature is a warning color and sticks out as if you were waving your arms in the woods.:d