The following is a rant. No person in their right mind would really care about what is being said. I know this. I just needed somewhere to say it. You guys, and gals, are some pretty cool people, and seem to have [most of you] your heads in the right place. Comments are welcome, but not expected. That being said, I'm sure I am just being a whiner. I know this also. No need to imply that in any comments. Thank you. So, it appears I have come to a point in my life, where everyone is getting on me about "What are you going to do with your life." The problem. I don't know. I have so many choices, options, or forks in the road, right now, that I am lost. I am tired of the civilian life. It is too easy in one aspect, and damn hard in another. Choices, choices... I am in what appears to be a dead end job. No raise in sight. The wife wants out of this frozen tundra. My sister is mad as hell, because,...well, I'm still not sure why she has sand, in that area. My parents, well, they are parents. Concerned that I am not taking everything I can out of my GIBill, and all the little goodies that come with being a vet. Well, folks. I'm not happy. I have had it with all of these issues at hand, and I have used alot of time in the last few weeks to think. I haven't been truely happy since I ended my active duty status. I want to go back, but I want to weigh my options. Tonight I have sent emails to a couple people that I know, and a couple that I don't. In hopes that something can work out to show me that I have options on enlistments. I have slimed my choices down to the USAF, and USCG. They seem [from what I have heard] to be a bit more family oriented. I'm not too sure about the Air Force though. I don't think they like Marines. Again, sorry for the rant. I know this has no affect on anyone here, I just needed somewhere to vent. The wife is going insane listening to me complain, and no one else really cares. I would have put this on "MYspace" but then the people that I don't want to know about this just yet, would find out.