Can you guys humble me on the difference between the two. I would like to start using either one so if anyone could tell me the pros, cons and differences between the two (other than one is a vane and the other feather) I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks in advance!
The vane is going to be more durable, heavier and have less intrinsic stabilization (less drag) and they have rest clearance issues. If I didn't hunt where I do (brushy rainforest) I'd hunt strictly with feathers for their lighter weight, better stabilization and ability to collapse if there's a rest/cable impact. Since I am where I am, all my non-traditional arrows wear vanes.
KodiakArcher said it well. I have used both and I personally prefer the Rayzr feathers. I am not hunting in a brushy rainforest though, so mine don't see much abuse.