Okay, I need some insight. Can/should the Blazer Vanes be used with a right helical twist. I have an Arizona E-Z-Fletch and am not sure if that will work and if it will work on 17/64 Bemans. Anyone have experience with this?
Not with bemans but I fletch all my blazers at a 3 degree right helical and I do it on FMJs so bemans should work great Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
So I did some more research and found a new Arizona E-Z- Fletch for Minis and Micro arrows. I was also considering purchasing more arrows and now you have gotten my interest about the FMJs. What do you like about them? Do yours have the brass insert? That seems like a great idea for toughness and FOC.
Penetration and toughness-FMJs flat out penetrate deeper than my carbon arrows and are tougher than h3(( they have the HIT insert which i love and you glue em in with HIT epoxy (also good stuff) and they're there to stay as far as FOC they fly just like any other arrow just accurate BUT they are a heavier arrow 10.2gpi which I feel helps quiet the bow my flatline DOAs are 7.4gpi but they both fly pretty close to each other Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk