So I was looking at some older posts and found that some of you also have blackberries. I have had one for a few years and now have the new Storm. I have used it to text and e-mail while hunting (and for other things). I am setting up contacts on the new one now and thought the I would pass along my PIN if anyone is interested. 3055852E and for those that do have a BB and want to learn cool tips and tricks, go to Shawn
I have a black berry and have never been able to figure out how to use the messanger. I don't even have a clue what my PIN is or how to find it.
The pin is a number that is assigned to that individual phone. And by using it we can instant message other Blackberries without paying to text. The PIN is in the phone if you go to OPTIONS>STATUS it will be listed there OR it is on the phone under the battery cover on a little sticker. it should look something like mine or peakrut. Then you need to find Blackberry messenger and you can us it as sort of number to message others. peakrut and I are hooked up, we'll get you on too, just post that number.
I just got a crackberry yesterday as a matter of fact. As soon as a figure out how to change the ringtone maybe I can get the messenger figured out
It is easy, which device do you have? jfergus, peakrut, and I are connected. Let me know if you need help.
good choice in a phone. I had one for a while and id I did not go with the Storm I would have stayed with it. Ok your PIN is in the back by the battery on a small white sticker about 8 num/let and it can also be found in the phone go to OPTIONS>STATUS and you will see it there. That # is like your address. Go to BB messenger depending on how you have it setup and you can contact those of us that have it posted. mine is 3055852E then after you enter that it will ask me to confirm, which I will and then you can change the name of your contacts. Fir instance my name will show as Shawn's Phone but you will be able to change to madhunter. It is great way to message since it is included with your data package. Let me know if you have questions. S