Brace doesnt look bad from what I can see. A full draw pic would tell the story. Its hard to tell much with out a full draw pic. What is the draw weight? What are the specs? Impressive working a knoted stave into a shooter. Ive got two snakey, knotty staves in the shop right now waiting for me to finsh. Ive also got a trilam needing to be tillered as well. I just cant find the time to get in the shop. I started a new job and have been spending my free time putting my lab in order. Congrats on a shooter. I remember the first one I got shooting. broke two before i got my first shooter. From that point on, it was all good. The key is take your time. When you get tired, stop. I cannot stress that enough. You will find that tiller problems are not near as bad the next day. My biggest mistakes have been made working when I was tired or frustrated Welcome to the addiction. It will infest your soul. lol.
the angle the pic was takin makes it look a little wierd but i see my tillering mistakes seeing it like this but oh well its my first shooter it'll do lol its only 26# @ 28 but its for my girl so i had to keep the weight down
It looks like one limb is longer than the other. Is it supposed to b that way or is the photo throwing it off?
the photo is throwing it off i had to be kneeling for a low celing and she was standing and the bow was also canted a little bit
but good grief a full draw photo shows all the mistakes lol oh well it hasn't broke, flings arrows, somewhat accurate and taught me alot so i aint complaining on to the next project.
It might last at that weight. I do notice a slight hing at the first quarter off the fades of the top limb. Not sure from the angle, but you might have too much positve tiller. It will get much better from this point on. Keep up the good work. Your are just about there. This is what it is all about. Every bow will teach you something new.
yeah this photo showed me the hinge, i have a nice white oak board with near perfect growth rings imma see what i can do with
Full draw always tells the story. You are on the right track. You will be surprised when you start on the white oak how much you learned with this bow. Each bow will be better than the last. Good luck. Look forward to seeing a nice oak bow soon.
I didn't mean to insult I just wasn't sure. I think it looks good. It would be sweet to have something like that. I'd try it if I knew I could do it.
no insult takin its all trial and error it just shows me what not to do next time every bow teach's ya, give it a try start reading asking questions get some wood and give it a shot everyone that does it is more then willing to help and give advice
It might have been a bad angle when you posted the first full draw pic, but this pic it does not look like it is hinging much at all. If anything, maybe a tad over positive. I would say you got it down.