Do they make any cheap bino's that are good for the treestand but yet still able to be used for 200-300yrd fields for summer scouting. I am not a big fan of Binos as I never hardly use them but I borrowed a buddies Burris Bino's yesterday and they fit my eyes pretty well! I am thinking of getting a pair of Bino's but do not want to break the bank doing so, what are you guys using and what power suits your needs best?? I realize this is something that need not be skimped on in the price category but I really do not use Binos but a couple times a year, so I figure ill save the extra dough if I can??
i use 10x40 Nikon Monarch ATB's...right now u can get them for $219.00 through BP i believe....Used them from Utah for Elk and Mulies to here in the burbs
I have 10x 42 Leopold cascades. When I was looking at binoculars it was between these and Nikon Monarchs. I believe these were $50 bucks more, but they clarity was well worth it. These will run you about $300.
Look into the Vortex brand. I just picked up the Fury 8x42... awesome glass with a lifetime unconditional warranty! I'll have them FOREVER, then my son will have them FOREVER! The way I look at it is, spend a little more upfront and they'll last you a lifetime!
Gotta agree with Joe. I've used Nikons, Burris and even Steiners....but and most likely going to pick up a pair of Vortex. From all the reviews I've heard, they are amazing for the money. You can browse through the Vortex and a slug of other binos here on this very site.....
My Dad bought a pair of Vortex binos a couple years ago and loves them. I haven't used them too much but from what I've used them I liked them quite a bit.
I own two pairs of Vortex binos and love them both. The same Fury 8x42's as Joe, and a set of 10x42 Vipers that I primarily use. I like a little extra reach when I need it, but the Furys are lighter and smaller so I take them shed hunting and whatnot. With the lifetime warranty you really can't go wrong, and their price is good too. Like Dan said, check them out in our online store. We carry a bunch of different ones depending on your budget.
he said cheap.... I bought two pair of Nikon Action series 10x42's at Gander a couple weeks ago for 79 bucks each... they are very nice for the intended use... you can get the same pair at local walmarts for 82-83 a pair... in terms of bang for the buck i find these to be VERY tough to beat... the monarchs are better, for for more than double the price they aren't 2x as good... if I had money for monarchs I'd have a set though
I won a pair of tru-glows they seem to work well and are a cheaper bino. Also I have a pair of alpen that I like alot and they are not too expensive. Both sets are 10x42. On a side note I do believe I still have Dan's burris binos in my basement I could get rid of. lol