Whats the biggest whitetail buck that you know of that's been shot (bow kill) close to where you hunt? For myself I know of a few. Non-Typical- 216 5/8 net. This buck was shot by a friend of the family's back in 1982. It use to be the P&Y Minnesota State Record for bow. Here's the kicker part of it. It was shot about a 1/4 mile in back of my house in the river bottom. One never knows what he has around for bucks thats for sure! As for a Typical I know of a few that scored in the 160's that were bow kills. Other then that nothing real outstanding that I know of.
237 and change Non-Typical 2 miles away killed on Otter Creek Hunt Club. 236 and change Non-Typical 5-6 miles away Chad Goetten Buck. Sorry this was a gun kill. And not real sure of the biggest typical. Here are a couple of 170 plusses my taxi friend is mounting that were killed within a few miles.
I wonder how many huge B&C bucks we loose to car kills in the winter? No antlers, they won't get talked about.
The town I live in went from 150 to over 3000 people in four years, this has caused a much higher rate of car on deer accidents. I know a user on HNI that has video of the 240" non typical, he was hunting the deer and plans to release the footage of it.
Matt and I stopped at a local convenience store last year and got to talking with a guy there who opened his truck to show us a rack of one he'd got nearby... It was a 5x6 or a 6x7, can't remember which right now; it's late. But I do know this... it netted something like 214 and grossed in the high 190s as a typical. If it had grown the matching tine it was missing, we would have been looking at the new world record.
I remember that story...how cool would that have been. Just casually bump into a guy who shot a World Record buck. It was probably a sweet site to see anyway.
John, have you been working on your crap-eatin' grin? I am hoping to see you behind a buck of that caliber with one of those, "I'm on top of the world" photo pose goin'. Then Mobow, You, and I can meet up at the Classic next year and just stare at your buck. Sound like a plan? :d
It was a long weekend before I made my post last night, so I just went back and found the original account of that sighting when I wrote about it in a more coherent fashion. :D I also just googled the Hanson buck, as I couldn't remember his actual record-holding score. It's 213 5/8, so this one may not have quite topped him given an extra tine even with minimal deductions, but it's still cool knowing that they're out there that big.
two years ago a guy shot a 195 net nontypical deer 5-600 yards from my stand....the kicker...I am pretty sure I missed that buck with my rifle previously during the gun season...saw a deer and muttered "ELK!" and shot, but the way I was shakin I caught a sapling between me and the deer that I didnt see through the foggy scope....cut it clean in half, a tree about 5-6" diameter. clean miss. I am about 95-99% sure that this was the exact same deer, I was too shaken up to know for sure because he stepped into the clearing after I had already raised the gun on a big 10 pointer who crossed in front of him, left the gun up for about 30 seconds and sure enough another buck steps out that dwarfed the 10. The buck was featured in Kentucky Game & Fish Mag...Ill likely never even encounter another buck of that caliber, but the off chance of bruisers like that are what keep me goin in the mornings.
Gregh mentioned a 229 NT I think it was by us. Also the archery shop I use he has gotten 3 200+ inchers near us. T