I am going with my Ohio boys, one of the Simans... I know they got some great bucks in their area and Isaac is on one already.
My guess is it will be a guy that hunts from Virginia to Florida down the east coast. I just bet one of them will arrow a "mystery" buck that they have never seen, probably around 170ish. In fact I bet one of the guys that arrows a 170ish buck will have from Georgia or Florida.
Ah Fletch, we all know you have some monsters running around your neck of the woods and you get it done! Good luck! I'm predicting a big junky NT from you this fall!
Dan, Mike and Justin should win the dang thing with the size of bucks they have trail cam, freegin monsters, You guys are hunting some giants this year if those big boys survived it could be a banner year for your crew.
I hope you kill that beast, I want to see him on the hoof, good luck! You get him, you'll definaltey set the bar high, wasnt his shed over 90 inches?
I say it will be my Chevy Silverado because I have had three deer and two of them being nice bucks in velvet jump in front of my truck at night time! Had to slam on the brakes for the two bucks hard!
All it takes is some extra planning.....and sucking up to God's gift to hunting.....Mother in Law's. I love mine.