not sure...... but i'm 99% sure it isn't me , i'll leave 1% for the miracle that could happen. new spot that i haven't hunted in over 16 years, and didn't know what i was doing when i was "hunting" it. i won't get out as nearly as often as when i was on my dad's land. i'll be hunting a 50 acre piece of land with 2 other guys, so over all i'll be happy just to fill my tag and the freezer
I'm not going to throw a name out there, but I'm going to guess that it is a Midwest buck that will go 180"+.
I agree it will be a midwest buck. Fletch, Gregh.DukeM to name a few knock down monsters regularly.Hopefully I'll get lucky on my trip to Kansas this year.
Duke has his money on you and I think you had a big shed at the GTG but I was too hung over to be social For some reason I think Duke is on to something here.
I have some inside info here to Im going with 130woodman,,,,now that Jersey he was wearing at the G2G has to go
Damn you Fitz, what you do that for? Lol!! If you shoot that buck you got pics of last year you will be at or near the top In this contest. Just for that, your my pick!! Go get em bud!! He's awesome!!
Don't be a on the jersey.I'll havw to see how things unfold this fall. I'm staying out of the woods until it's time to kill.