You are correct. The owners live in FL and always have. They previously leased the farm to Central Illinois Outfitters, who had a lot of celebs in to hunt and you have have seen a bunch of TV shows they did there like Realtree Roadtrips amongst others. They decided to take it over and run the farm themselves, and thus created Grigsby Outdoors. There is a full-time guide and landkeeper that lives on the farm and pretty much runs the operation. I did get confirmation that they found at least one of the buck's sheds. Waiting on photos now. As soon as I have them, I'll be sure to post up.
Not that a typical makes it more impressive, but it does. Would you be less inclined to shoot it if it were a non typical? I certainly woulnd't be. And thanks for the answer Justin. My boss is on the board of directors of Safari Club International so he wanted me to get more info on that place. Who knows, maybe he'll kick them some business.
Well there's pictures of it in the blog now in case you guys missed it. there's also some more pictures on this link