What's your take on David Ortiz? Sure seems like a guy that was on the juice and now OFF of it. It's probably not fair to assume anything or make such accusations. But nothing or no name in baseball would surprise me anymore. Seems funny that one of the more feared hitters in baseball is now an "easy out". He's batting .185 with one homerun and 18 RBI's I'm wondering if he knew they would be looking at him after his buddy Manny went down. I don't know.. something stinks IMO.
I'd say you are right. Add in the fact that Manny is gone from the lineup and the wrist injury, you have Lil Papi. I don't like the Red Sox, but I've always liked watching Ortiz play. He's like Sammy Sosa with an IQ higher than 19. :D
I'm not buying it. Not the steroid issue. Even if he was enhanced, the muscle is still there. As a fellow Yankee Fan, I'm not an Ortiz Fan, heck his presence in the line-up brought a quiver to my knees. I respect his ability but Dispise his choice of uniform. That being said I believe he has worn down. A big man playing a big sport at the highest level. He has had injuries and probably developed some bad habits to compensate for that. Look for him to get some rest and after the all-star break don't be surprised if he turns it back on. Let's just hope they are 10 games back by then...
I've always been an Ortiz fan. He was drafted by Mn but the Twins let him go being there hitting coach at the time sucked In my opinion. I think he might turn It on yet but I also believe his good days are well behind him. Baseball Is a mental game, and he's got It bad.
Might it have more to do with age and no protection in the lineup? With Manny gone and him being the only big bat in the lineup pitchers can throw him junk all day long.
Negative, His bat speed is still way above adequate to hit the long ball. Players "juice" in the off-season. They know taking any banned supplements during the course of the season is a game of Russian Roulette. They will get caught it's just a matter of when. His muscle has been built and is still there you don't see him weighing in at 195 do ya. No amount of supplements legal or illegal are going to increase your eye hand coordination. This is still a requirement in most all sports. I also don't agree that he has no protection: There are plenty of big bats, good averages on this line-up. With Ellesbury, Pedroia, Bay, Varitek, Youkilis. all hitting very well. With Bay in third place in the league in Home runs and Youkilis is second in batting average.
Like Jeff already mentioned.. coming off is not so much Big Papi's problem.. His timing is SO far off right now.. if steroids have anything to do with it... it's more in his head than anything. (Oh.. and loosing Ramirez in the line-up sure makes it ALOT easier for pitchers to go around him:d )
As a lifelong,(since my first visit to Fenway at 4YO),Sox fan it kills me to see him struggle. I think he needs to go to Pawtucket and work it out down there. The Sox can't afford the time to let him work it out now. They need a productive bat in the line up. The hated yankees lead the division by one game and the Sox need all the production they can get.