So, went off to cabela's today making my usual wish list of items, and test shooting some new bows that are out. My womans step father was with me as well, I noticed a relatively HUGE moose display in the middle of the store and jokingly I said I would shoot one with my bow this year that was just like this one in the store. Mr. Stepfather here proceeded to tell me my bow would never be able to kill a moose because I am only shooting 65#. He said I would have to use a 90# bow to even come close to killing one, extremely flustered and flabbergasted by this claim I went off on him in the store.. My ol' lady ended up taking him home while I waited in the store... for 2 hours. So I eventually get picked up from the store which I am not complaining being stuck in one of the biggest hunting/outdoors shop in Michigan:D. I get home and he hands me a list of bows that I should use if ever to pursue these big game. Of coarse the list consisted of Mathews Inc Bows. They are nice bows but I'm dedicated to my Bear and Diamond bows. So what I am basically asking is, was he right about the high # ??
He isn't even close to right on the poundage, but either way I'm not sure it's enough to go off on someone. lol Just go kill a moose to prove him wrong! ha
Nope. My P&Y moose was killed with a '95 Hoyt SuperSlam at 70# and that thing isn't even near as efficient as bows these days. I know that several, including one of the biggest ever killed was taken with a 60# longbow. Do an internet search on archery moose and you'll find impressive kills with relatively low KE, certainly less than you're generating.
He's an old guy stuck in old ways, his head is thicker than a gosh darned grizzly head. I do feel a little foolish on how I went off... I laugh a little about it now tho aswell.. I threw his hat he bought off the second story into the stream in the store. I did buy him a new one though but I bet someone had a good laugh at me
I recently took a Yukon moose with a 70# Hoyt and got a complete passthru at 15 yards. My buddy took down his moose at 38 yards with a mechanical head and a 70# bow. It's all about shot placement and broadhead.
Well, he's just a little Informed Is all. My dad shot a Canadian Moose In northern Minnesota with a 65lb Big Horn recurve at 20 yards, he damn near got a complete pass through. This moose was huge, It was the Mn state record for nearly 20 years until just recently.