I have one of Jim's ground stake bow holders for use in a turkey blind, but it is really the same thing in a slightly different configuration. Good design, but I like to keep my bow in hand while hunting. I rarely get busted in my ASAT leafy suit, but the only times I have gotten nabbed in the past couple years was reaching for my bow. I have used a Ripcord Code Red both with and without the containment arm, as the deep launcher makes it almost impossible to lose your arrow unless you tip your bow upside down. However I bought a Trophy Taker XFC (down cable driven model) this spring on AT to try out and just put in on my hunting bow to see how it works. Easy to set up and shooting quite well......so it might just stay on for season if it continues to perform in this manner.
Yes. It's not so much of a reach to grab your bow on the seat opposed to the base, at least in my opinion. This is the only pic I have, I spun it down after this so the stand folded flat.
Coop, I'll have to give that a shot. It seems like it might be a little awkward like I'd have to reach slightly backwards for the bow grip but I wanna see how it works.
It is pretty much right beside you, but it minimizes movement to grab your bow at least. Well as long as you are already sitting . If you are standing there is no real benefit to having it mounted there.