I posted these photo's about a week or so ago saying that this is the first time I caught a buck making a scrape on camera. Well this weekend I went and picked up another camera and found that this buck has been traveling back and forth across the highway onto another piece of property we hunt. This is the first time I've ever got the same buck on two different camera's that were so far apart. The first pics are of the buck behind our field stand that I posted a week or so ago making a scrape. The second group are of the buck labeled Hakey's stand. Just thought I would share...and not to mention he is a monster. We call him Mr. Crabs. Some of these pics were taken before the first set of pictures and some after(look at the dates). Maybe I'm just a little amazed but I've never had this happen before.
Everything that isn't hardwoods is standing corn or soybeans. The funnel area that says Jay's stand is where they cross the highway that links the two properties when there isn't crops in the fields. Its very hard to determine where he is bedding with all the standing corn so to answer your question: No, I don't know where he is bedding. All I know is he is traveling back and forth between the two properties.