I'm not sure it can be argued that some states offer more opportunity's at PY and have larger bucks on average per age class. I've never thought that people killing big bucks in those states couldnt get it done in a PA, NY, etc. I've always had the belief that the cream of the crop guys would be getting it done on 100-110" bucks consistently.
That is exactly my point. The skills are there, but they don't mean squat without the land holding the bucks to shoot. If you have those skills and can get on that land, whether it be by finding land close to you, or by paying an outfitter or trespass fee on managed land and should be able to get on and shoot a good deer. I have little doubt that if you were put on property that held a good number of large deer you would be on them. That goes for most of the guys on this site as well. With that said in some states it's easier to find that land than it is in others.
Agreed.If some one was to spend money in the hopes of killing a book buck,Idaho would not be the place to attempt to do it.The concentration of deer is not there and while there are excellent bucks they are not in the types of numbers that you could expect to see in the midwest. If I lived in the area that I rifle hunt out there,bowhunting would be a big part of my hunting life and I have confidence that I would enjoy success.It would come with a lot of effort and enjoyment though.It would not be simple or easy!
Yes, I traveled from Colorado to North Carolina. I went west to east and shot the smallest deer in my career as an archer My guess is no. Unless of course they're tired of the same game, same court, and same outcome (e.g. Harlem Globetrotters vs. Washington Generals) See comment above No I am sure these guys exist, but to what extent is beyond me. KiIlling 3.5 + bucks in both states is reasonable/possible. Time is certainly a factor. We could "what if" hunting to death in an effort to level the playing field. Honestly, the "one size fits all" shirt is going to make many of us look silly! Individually, we should strive for that degree of difficulty which makes our own hunting fun-regardless of where we are. Some people will enjoy getting you caught up in a peter pulling contest. Ignore them!