not sure about the tag but here's the story,0,6587895.story
watched it again and it has a tag on the right antler base, you can see it near the beginning of the report
Call me crazy I don't think that buck score that high. Cool buck but non typicals have to score high and I am guessing that won't go but 180" gross. Alot of points but not alot of bone.
I can't wrap my mind around the fact that Fox News reported on this, or, even any News, even a Newpaper...Wow...Thats wierd...Its a great thing, but wierd. Amazing deer !!
Here is a link to the Journal's report on the same deer!
Obviously an awesome buck...but I would think there have been much larger non typicals killed in Wisconsin than that one?
there have been, some guy shot a 30 point buck not too long ago. i just posted it because it was news today