I saw a dandy 6X6 whitetail in early October.I work 12 hour graveyard nights and would see him traveling a ridge early.I would always see him within crossing a pasture on the back side of a ridge.One morning during the rifle season I watched a guy try to put a sneak on him.The buck saw him and blew out of there. I've seen this buck 3 mornings this week.He's always headed to an alfalfa field.There's also some standing corn in that quarter section.I'm going to try to find out where he's coming from and where he's bedding.He's about 3 inches wider than his ears and heavy.I have days off coming up so I can start patterning him.I think he is traveling between some cattail sloughes.This is the best whitetail buck I've seen since moving here 2 years ago.He got this old man excited.I'd love to introduce him to a Muzzy moment.Bill
You have plenty of time till next season to get him patterned. I have pics of two bucks that I'm hoping to see again. Are you hunting out by Wall SD?