I've been posting a few pictures lately of some decent bucks that I've been getting on my trail cameras from different hunting spots that I have.Well,I just secured another very tight piece of property from a nice woman who told me she has lots of problems with the deer eating all her ornamental shrubs and flowers.This past SaturdayI put my trail camera 120 yards into the woods behind her house,and look what shows up;a very respectable 8 pt.that I'm hoping I get the chance to put an arrow through.Not to bad for only having the camera out a day and a half.
Ummm.id call that a very very very respectable 8pt...OMG...what a brute! definately looks alarmed by the cam tho...GOOD LUCK getting him man!
I agree. What kind of camera is that? Is that the Trophy Cam? Great looking buck too. Good luck with him.
The camera is the Bushnell trophy Cam.I picked up two of them at Cabelas.They are on sale right now;plus I used a Cabelas $20.00 coupon for each camera,so I was able to pick them up for $180..00 each.This is my first time using anything other than Leaf rivers.
Nice buck!!! Good luck! I have the same cam. Can't beat it for the prize and size. Its tiny or "cute" (wife's words )