something im was wondering about before i switch from my 4 blade( 2 large main blades and 2 bleeders blades) BH to a 2 blade. my concern is by looking at a 2 blade and understanding arrowdiamics they look like depending what direction the blades are in will controlle its flight, now remember i have no experience with 2 blades. but ya'd think if the blades flew horizontal it would affect its up and down flight buy catching wind floating it up or dropping it down. same with if they were verical catching wind and skimming right or left??? more thoughts on this. is'nt the perpose of using a large heliculed fletching to controlle that from happing? i know the fletchings would spin the arrow stopping the blades from staying in one postion not giving the blades a chance to plan off the wind. has anyone ever had this problem using 2 blades (expeclally large blades)? or am i overthinking this and its not an issue at all?
I've shot big 3 blade broad heads, 1 1/2 cutting diameter snuffers. Not once did I have any trouble. On a very windy day I could see It happening but In my opinion you have nothing to worry about.
If they spin test well, they will fly well. If they wabble, then your arrow will wabble in flight throwing off your shaft. If everything is spinning correct, you will have no problem with the bigger broadheads, provided you have the right shaft for the right bow.