I was going to get the Rage BHs for my gf to shoot this year but the guy at the store talked me out of them and had me get some fixed blades. He seemed to know what he was talking about saying that because her arrow isnt going as fast as some she should be using a cut on contact BH. I got her some of the CS montecs. I use the montecs and I love them. Your thoughts? Is the guy at the store right? I will have her shoot one of my practice montecs to make sure they fly well from her bow before opening them.
She probably doesn't need 'cut on contact' heads but I'd steer her away from mechanicals as well. I'm at just under 40 foot pounds of KE and I use 3 blade, 125 grain muzzy heads.
If you're going to shoot your girlfriend with a broadhead, I sure as hell wouldn't be advertising it all over the internet. Not hatin'. Just sayin'.
Quik. Where does it say I'm shooting her. I know what your getting at but I think YOU read it wrong lol. Thanks for the help guys.
I don't agree with that guy,we have a gale thats shoots 27 draw lenth,her bow is set at 45-60 and she shoots rage broadheads,no problems.
Sorry, I didnt even think about specs. She is shooting a Mission Menace. 27 inches. She is right at 40lbs draw I think. We will probably have it cranked up again here soon as the proshop guys doubt her strength lol. I think we will just stick with the montecs this season and see how they play out.
I too would avoid mechs for her, but she doesn't really need a COC head either. My gal shot the Slick Trick standards last year and they worked perfectly. She killed her first bow deer with them with a complete pass through.
IMO it never hurts to have a little extra insurance for ease of penetration. That said I knew a girl that hunted back in the day with a 40# compound & muzzy heads & would typically blow thru 100# does without issue. Today's bows are a little more efficient.