OK I need input from yall to make me feel better knowing that im not the only one who has there dummest moments :d I need laughs, gimmi what ya got. Ill start. Yesterday eve while in route home my wife called and mentioned she would like that porch swing hung up that has been sitting in the garage for a couple of years. SO When i got home i was in a hurry as she had steak fixed for me and I wanted to chat with family for awhile and hit the gym for awhile. I got the hooks attached in the overhead beam but when i went to hang the chains i noticed one of the S hooks were missing that came with it. Here is where my moment came in. I searched for the missing hook with no avail, and noticed some tarp straps that had S hooks in them..DOH!! I picked the heaviest one, hung the swing and admired it. My 9 year old tried it out first and mentioned that it was to close to the very end of the porch,,good enough for now. So I take a seat, and now my oldest son Dalton sits on the other half,,,,just as we swung back >>>BAM<<< My end let go, We go crashing down, the swing hits the edge of the porch and scoots off toward the ground 3.5 feet down, We hit with a bang, Dalton's knees jam in my leg and he does some kind of cartwheel after careming into me on the ground. My wife is laughing histeracly Seems the S hook from the tarp strap kinda straightened its self out DOH!!! Another time in my old house a storm had came through. My power line connection was over head from the transformer to the weather head. A big tree limb had fallen across it and needed removed. I borrowed a pair of high voltage gloves the next day from work, got a 10' step ladder and an 8' 2X4 to use to push the limb off. As i climbed the ladder i noticed that i could reach the limb with out the 2X4 so i laid it across the ladder, reached up and pushed the limb off DOH!! It came down, but hit the end of the 2X4 and made it do a teeter totter affect, which in turn one came up and smacked me in the side of the head knocking me off the ladder. I dont remember hitting the ground but when i realized what happened the pain settled in. My face now felt as if it were C shaped, I ran in and looked in the mirror just to be sure, It was sore for a week While im ratting on myself,,,one more :d I used to build and fly remote control airplanes, When i started one with the starter I was usually in FRONT of the plane holding it with one hand and using the starter with the other. After ignition i would reach around the prop to adjust the needle valve to get the mixture right. Well this fine day i for some reason was BEHIND the plane, I started it, my head was up my A$$, I went through the motion of reaching around the prop for the needle valve which is ON MY SIDE THIS TIME, I wasnt focused and ran my fingers right into a 10" prop running some major RPM's DOH!! you guessed it, it was a blood show :d Tell on your self, I need it :d
So your saying you created a bloodcreek? :d One time i went running out the front screen door only to realize afterwords that it was locked. My nose has been huge ever since
Crick, thats crazy I hope your fully recovered for Indiana turkeys. Caleb, thats hilarious.. I really did laugh out loud on that one envisioning it, because about 5 years ago I did the exact same thing , except to a sliding glass door. Just about knocked my self out :huh: . Thats the only dumb moment I'm giving up, unfortunately there are many more
OMG I think i throwed a lung on the floor on that one :d That was good stuff and you reminded me of another one :d see next post.
Gri22ly reminded me of another :d Me, two brother inlaws and my father inlaw were catching yellow belly catfish one day long ago. I caught one that had swallowed the hook deep. None of us had brung pliers to help with swallowed hooks. I was about to cut my line and retie when my brother inlaw said try this its what i do Run your finger through the gill, feel the hook and dislodge DOH!! Well before it was over my finger was hooked, blood running down my arm and a squirmin catfish :smash: They were laughing hard and the Dinko was in pain. My father inlaw ended up cutting the catfish head off to get to my finger and cut the hook.
You guys make me feel good about myself. Thank you. When I can think of one of that 800,000 dumb things I've done (this year) I'll let you know. Still wondering what happened to that cat...
That cat story is Priceless Grizz.LOL!!! Ive got a little one, My buddy, just had put a 6" lift and 33"s on his Ranger, and I have a swampy run-off from my pond in my field. So we get the bright Idea that we're going to take it across... But first lets make sure it's not too soft, so we get out and walk across, just to make sure we're not going to sink up.... Now lets think about something, two guys that weigh less than 200lbs, Versus a Truck that weight 5,000lbs.... We buried that truck to the axles...
One Day I was fishing with my grandpa and 2 of his friend, (i was only about 12 at the time) and we were all jammed in his small boat. I went to cast and i had about 6-12 inch of line hanging from my pole with a jig head and twister tail and as i casted forward i hooked one of my grandpas friend right through the ear with my hook. It went completely through his ear and I tried to cast. I felt so bad because it looked like it hurt. He was cool about it though because once we got it out he told my grandpa, he thought we were going fishin not getting his ears pierced.
I just picked my 2008 Polaris RZR and my buddy picked up an 800 sportsman the same day. 3 days later we take them out in his pasture and we're jumping a 4 foot embankment. I'm a ace on a fourwheeler so my buddy wants me to put on a little show with his sportsman, no problem right. I'm riding wheelies jumping the crap out of it. I done a donut and come up the bank to jump, but i noticed everyone was on my right side instead of left as usual. No problem, so I jumped the bank and land in a wheelie and was riding it out when the front end started coming down and I noticed there is a 3 foot deep by 4 foot wide trench that I'm heading right for. So I hammer the throttle and pull like hell to keep the front in up. I didn't make it. Threw me over the handle bars and left an nice speedometer print, flipped the 800 up on its front end. Pushed the front end in, rip the A arms to shreds and snapped the axle. New rule, I never ride anyone's stuff.
Well, for me, there was that one time I tried to scratch my back with an arrow. I was BH tuning that day. The 3 blade 100gr Muzzy did what it is built for, slicing flesh. I'm such a dumbazz! I didn't think about it, just reached that arrow behind me and went to scratching and then OUCH! Hole in shirt and hole in back! My wife asked me if I was three kinds of retarded.