This morning I sent Justin an e-mail asking if I could buy a Bushnell scope for my ML. I figured it was a longshot since it certainly isn't bowhunting related. Much to my surprise he said it is available and $10 cheaper than BPS to boot!. I'll be placing my order tomorrow,(payday). So guys keep it in mind. If you need it can probably get it.
I shoot a ML during late ML season. And I'll shoot a ML,( Pedersoli double 12) at my back fence tonight when the doves head to my woods to roost!
hey Greg I got a muzzle loader scatter gun you need! 14 ga. damascus barrell Guisene and Dyson(don't quote me on the first name) made between 1843-1869,gun is still very tight and engraving is fantastic,comes in walnut case! The origanal ram rod is still with it and ebony cleaning rod/jag along with it!