I'm currently shooting thunderhead 100gr. bh's, and was thinking about changing for next season. I'm not really partial to any broadhead brand or type, but I'm wanting to get a broadhead that leaves really good blood trails, flies true, is sharp, and is sturdy. As far as fixed blades go I've heard a lot of people that like the slick trick magnums. I also know that a lot of people like the rages for mechanicals. I'd like to hear some of your opinions and recommendations based on your own experiences.
I have used the Rage 2 blade for two years. They have performed very well for me and anyone else I know that shoots them. They fly great and leave a large entry and exit hole. Between 6 deer that my brother and I have shot with them, all were complete pass throws. There was no damage to the heads and none of the blades had to be replaced, only sharpened. All of the deer died quickly except one, which I hit a little back and low. Normally on hits like this that I have seen, the intestines plug the hole and there is little to no external bleeding. With the Rage, there was a consistent blood trial and we were able to find where she bedded twice before dying. I don't plan for hits like this, but I was glad there was enough of a blood trail to recover her. I'm not saying the Rage is the best broadhead out there, but they have worked very well for myself and others I know using them. I know a couple guys that shoot Slick Tricks and they love them. If I were to switch back to a fixed blade, it would be the Slick Trick. I haven't experienced a reason to switch back though. Here are a few photos I took of a deer my brother shot with a Rage 2 blade this year. Taken from the POI. 10 yards from POI. Entrance hole.
Grim Reapers for me, shot 4 deer and the fatherest one traveled was 40 yards!!! New meaning to waching them drop. Walt
From all the pics I've seen here, the rage's sure do leave an awesome blood trail. I've been a Muzzy fan 4 a long time, and everything I've hit with them has died. The only thing is that it doesn't leave a great blood trail. I definitely have to utilize tracking skills when looking for them. This Dec. I double-lunged a deer and it still ran about 75 yds. If it weren't for the snow, I don't know if I would have found him. I wonder what the bt difference would be between Muzzy & Slick trick, since the ST has a smaller cutting dia.
I've been a long time thunderhead user. 30 some deer killed with them and only one real case where I was puzzled as to no blood trail. Most deer fall within sight, some with huge blood trails. The rest are still easily followed.
One things for sure.... thunderheads sure are a lot easier on the wallet. I know that a lot of the time killing a deer just has to do with shot placement, but I sure would like the security of a huge blood trail to follow as well.
Spitfire 125gr. 35yds was the furthest. Hit a little too far back. If it is legal in your state, check out Rocket Broadheads, "Buckblasters" Dad used them one time. Then found out that he could not. The deer literally walked in a circle, and fell over. Spraying out both sides. Now he carries one arrow for yotes when he sees them. Only because he has them, and can't use em on deer.
Lol... that buckblaster looks freakin wicked. 2 3/4" cutting diameter? No wonder the deer was spraying out both sides! It's not really what I'm lookin for though. I'd like to stick to 100 gr. head and have either mechanical, or fixed, not a hybrid.
I would check out the new NAP BloodRunner head. I will most likely be shooting them this fall. 100 grain rear-opening mechanical that's 1" diameter closed while in flight, then opens to 1.5" upon impact for large entrace wounds. Same blade sharpness as your Thunderheads, which is one of the sharpest blades on the market.
Often times the Blood Trail is more dependent upon the shot placement, rather than the BH. Hit a deer HIGH with a Rage, or hit a deer LOW with a Sonic ABC (7/8" cut) and you're gonna likely have a better trail to follow than with the first scenario.
I agree. Other than non-fatal hits, I've only seen good trails from deer I've shot with Muzzy 125 gr 3 blade heads. The ones I've trailed anyhow. Most of 'em go down in sight. :d
I have used alot of BH's over the years and had good results with a lot of them but i tried the 2 blade Rages for the first time this season and all i have to say is WOW!! The best blood trail i have ever seen. It looked as if a baloon full of blood exploded on the side of my Doe on impact. I have used the Thunderheads and Muzzys and had good results from them to.
What do you guys think of these broadheads? Were they at the ATA show this past weekend? http://ephunting.com/
The Reign broadheads were indeed at the ATA show. Check out a brief section in the blog our very own Buckeye wrote: http://www.bowhunting.com/blog/post/2009/01/12/More-ATA-releases.aspx
How well was that attached in the center? Looks like something that could just as easily fail, as it would work... I'm pretty skeptical of alot of new designs though.
Good post! As for what I use I shoot a 125 grain 3 Blade Magnus Snuffer (1 1/4 cutting diameter cut on contact broadhead). Penetration Is never an Issue when you use a cut on contact broadhead. The better the penetration, the better the blood trails usually. The Snuffer Is a one piece broadhead thus making It a durable broadhead as well. I've been using Snuffers for 15 years now and I can't say a bad thing about them. My blood trails are Impressive but even better yet the distance the deer and bear travel after I zip one Is even more Impressive. My deer average about 50 to 60 yards with a double lung hit. If I get a piece of the heart also you can take about 20 yards off of what I just said. The bear travel even less being the last 5 bear I've shot have gone an average of about 32 yards. Before I shot Snuffers I used a broadhead called a Satellite Titan, It was also a cut on contact head but It was a 2 blade. My blood trails with the Titan were nothing like my Snuffers and the distance my animals traveled were about twice as far as with my Snuffers. My bow set up Is a 61lb recurve shooting under 200 fps shooting 561 grain arrows- Complete pass throughs 90 to 95 percent of the time. These Snuffers are very affordable. A 6 pack cost's me 28.00 dollars. All Magnus heads have a lifetime warranty on them so If they get damaged send them back and you'll have a new one free of charge. The one thing you have to do Is sharpen them being there not sharp enough when you take them out of the package. Here's a picture of the broad head I use and also the tool I use for sharpening.