I hardly ever get a Easterly wind here in NE Ohio... I never really prepped anything for Easterly winds because of that in the past. Last year, my first week was bombarded with Easterly winds so I was stuck sitting on my thumb in low impact (waste of time setups) those days. Well guess what... We have Easterly winds and rain scheduled for Saturday (opening day)... And luckily, I prepped some setups for a East wind this past winter, and I love the rain forecasted.... If this forecast holds up I will be tucked tight on the North end of a bedding area South of a lot of oak trees.... If it works out I will be (the red square) between where they are (oaks) and where they want to go (bed). On the map it is marked doe beds, but this early in the year I still see bucks using the area... They will stop using it soon though for a few weeks until the pre-rut is in full swing. There is plenty of room for them to skirt me though, I can't cover the whole area. Hopefully if one comes through, it will be within bow range... What are your plans?
My plans for opening morning were nearly blown out by a south wind forecast, here in the central part of the state . Of seven hung stands, I have 2 that will work in this wind and I hate being so limited. I'll hunt opening morning on the edge of a bean field in Delaware county, sneak back home to watch my team lay an unholy smack-down on Illinois, then hall butt out to Licking county, where a double drop tine thumper was spotted just 80 yards from my stand, last weekend And kudos to you, Scott, for being well prepared. I guarentee I'll be more prepaired for East and South winds next season.
I won't get to hunt until the 6th, and I can't see that far ahead on the weather forcast.. But, most likely highs will be in the 80s and there will be some sort of Southerly wind. I've got several set ups ready for that scenario.
I have spots for all wind conditions. Those "off" winds are actually a blessing for me because it finally gives me a chance to hunt certain areas. What really sucks are the winds we have had the last 2 days - light and variable. good luck on your opener!
Scott and Josh good luck with the opening day.. Especially with the Illinois game....Scott is usually well prepared, but through texting the other day I see he hasn't had one tied to a tree yet. Josh go get that DT buck and well have Droptine burgers next GTG ...LOL Pa opens the following SAT.
I cant believe this day is here...crazy...Ill be up northern part of the state of OHIO....Ill be getting a SSE Wind with rainy conditions all morning...hopfully just a light drizzle all morning. Then its suppose to clear up here late morning, so I still might see some deer late morning, due to cloud and fog covering...should be a perfect morning to hunt. High 63, so temp in the morning will be nice and cool, maybe a nice fresh frost on the ground...
I was planning on going down to Coshocton County, but didnt pan out. Some of my buddies bailed on me, which sucks. So now i have to hunt public land which is ok...i have my climber, i got a few locations where i hunt, where ill set up for wind purposes..i just gotta beat out the other hunters ....bright and early....ill be in 1 hour or so before light hits.... O ****..i gotta go buy my tags today.hahah...wash some of my clothes, shoot the bow for final preperations..what a great day..
Good luck Scott, sounds like a plan. My plan is to (if the wind is correct) Sit in a Late season spot i had last year, I was into shooter bucks but couldnt get an arrow loose Its way back off a food source, its in a pinch point between two corners of strip pits (water) Im hoping to catch a good buck going back to his bead early at first light because its so far back. I already know they are bedding in there and i have a Good set of sheds from there from a buck i call Fang! I think this spot will be a triple threat spot. early/mid/late season.
Yes we have SE winds and rain predicted for tomorrow. I have a nice stand tucked on the west side of thick pine, bedding area. I can get in unnoticed. There is a licking branch and half assed scrape already started beneath a tree 20 yards east of my stand.. and to the North 18 yards is an apple tree that is very full and droppping loads of apples. I figure it's a good place to make the final stop before beddy bye time. This stand rarley get's used due to the predominant wind, but it's set for just this type of weather. We'll see.. Good Luck all.