I joined a couple days ago but just came across this thread so better late then never i guess haha. I'm 21 years old, I live in Kentucky (go cats), I shoot a Bear Encounter, with Easton Arrows and the NAP killzone. Im a full time student, work full time building and delivering office furniture such as desks, computer chairs, book cases etc. Ive got an absolutely incredible girlfriend who I've been with for 4 years which is another full time job in itself haha, love to hunt and fish everything with my favorite being of course, bowhunting whitetails. Ive watched bowhunt or die forever and decided to join to forums when i heard about the app, I'm constantly reading QDMA and other articles anyways so this is just another option to get my fix haha. Looking forward to hearing from everyone and reading some awesome posts, and good luck to everyone this year!