My dad found this shed from the seat of a large four wheel drive tractor this spring. Sorry I am just getting around to taking a few photos and posting them. I was ticked to find out today the tiny woodlot I believe this guy was bedding in has been given the bulldozer treatment. I did a quick and I certainly mean quick rough score on it. Anyone have guesses before I post the rough score? And I am throwing this picture in for good measure....taken back in late winter/early spring when I was out sheddin'
69 gross mb 20 Droptine 8.5 mass circumferences (4) 17 g1 5.5 g2 9.5 g3 7.5 g4 1 very cool shed, lots of character no matter!
Thanks for the replies so far guys..... It is a shed that continually captures my attention. I can't help but wonder what the other side looks like. I'll wait for a few more responses and I will post up some of the measurements I got. It was my first official score-job so I might be off despite following Buckeye's directions in a previous thread on HNI. Yell at him for poor training if I am off. In a week or so I am going to return to the area where I found this shed, early this week I spotted a buck feeding in a bean field and I didn't have my binoculars with me. Needless to say, he bolted outta' there once he saw my truck coming over the hill before I could even get a look to see if it was the same buck that wore the pictured headgear.
That's a heck of a shed there buddy......But, what part of the basement did you find that, because we all know you don't go hunting anyway? LOL... I'm gonna guess the 63-64" range......Bummer about that property bro, that's tough to take.
heard someone from a taxidermy class tossed it out :d man that thing can't be real. imagine the owner of that rack, what a brute. bummer about your huntn hole, that realy bites. what was the reason it got flattened?
Okay gents, bare with me. Here is what I got for a rough score on this shed. (I was lazy and went to the nearest 1/4" ) Ohh and BTW, I think Shed cheated and took a peak at my scorecard before he posted. :d G1: 5.25" G2: 8.5" G3: 6.75" G4: 1" (just made an inch) H1: 5" H2: 4.5" H3: 4.75" (actually got wider at this point of the main beam) H4: 3.25" Main beam: 18.25" (do you usually measure outside or inside of mainbeam?!? I measured inside.) Abnormal points: Kicker on G2: 1.25" Droptine: 8.5" Gross: 67" Net: 57.75" To put it bluntly, not the biggest shed I might find in my life but easily one of the coolest I might ever have in my hands. Tons of character. The droptine is even broken off, I couldn't imagine how long it could be if totally intact. Thanks for the responses. Good luck this fall guys!
You didn't use my tutorial than! I explained that, you go on the outside of the main beam BTW whats this closest 1/4 of an inch stuff? That could easily throw the score off by inches.... Us scoring junkies like to know how close we are.... Every inch off counts :d
Okay buckeye, I will go get a better tape and remeasure just for you. So you can still be a few inches off even after I remeasure. LOL!
Actually the correct way to measure a beam is where the bur is the farthest down on the main beam. If water was to run off of the main beam, where is the last spot it would touch? Here's a pic of where you would be fairly close in measuring the beam (red circle). Like buckeye said also, measure the outside of the beam. I bet you will gain another 2" or so.
Remeasured main beam - outside this time. It is a conservative 20 7/8" now. I didn't have a good soft-ruled or 1/4" tape handy so I just used a piece of string and remeasured the string.
Very, very nice shed your dad found and congrats to the ones you found!! With that said... give back my shedhunting MOJO damit!! I was wondering why my spring shedhunting didn't pickup... you promised to give it back but you gave it to your dad instead. :d Tim
Tim, Funny you should ask about your MOJO. I just talked to Shipping and Receiving, they told me that product is backordered. Looks like it won't be in stock for about another year or so. High demand, practically zero supply. You could almost call it a One of a Kind product.
Dam, I had the same score as Troy to begin with (69" ) and though your hand looked to big and backed it down to 62 1/2". Should never second guess yourself .