Missouri's season closed today, and I'm already looking to the '09 season. The full moon occurs on Nov. 2 this year, so it looks like the last week of October and first week of November should be really good this year. Bummer is, I can't take vacation the last 3 days of October or the first 2 days of November....... What days are ya'll planning on taking off this fall?
Hopefully the day the monster buck is standing in front of stand. Unlike this year when the stand was empty.
I always take off from the 3rd week of Oct till 3rd or 4th week of Novemeber. I save all my time just for hunting season.
Good luck jfergus7! I got a new job this past spring and I got to hunt almost 5 nights a week from Opener (sept-13th) til the end of the season (Dec 31st)! LOVE IT! Its been like retiring at 28 The Resort life is good.
My plan is to be in the woods from Friday 11-6-09 to Sunday 11-15-09. That should have me out there for the peak of the rut here in Texas. I'll likely be out almost every weekend during the season as well as a few select "sick days".
Mobow, If you go by moon phases they say it wont get really hot till 3 days after the full moon and they were right on this year in Illinois.... So from Nov.5 on should be rocking!!Walt
I am not liking the lunar table for 2009 much. I love to hunt an 11am to 2pm moonrise and that leaves Oct. 21-25th and Nov 22nd-26th in my area, it will likely be warm on October and shotgun season in November Think I'll just focus on the first two weeks of November and hunt the rut this year.
x2. Since I've began paying attention to moon phases and how I hunt the rut my bucks sightings and success has increased two fold. Like you said 2-3 days after the full moon is sure to be hot!
I'm planning on making it into the woods whenever I can. I usually just come home from school on the weekends to hunt which luckily seems to work fairly well this year with the moon phase/rut.
I don't get full day vacations during the fall, so I will be out every evening and every Saturday from start to finish barring weather conditions.
If I had to guess when I think I'll take more of my vacation - 1st and 2nd week of Nov. Of course that last week of Oct can be good too, especially with the harvest moon being earlier next year....
Right now I'm looking at taking the off the 30th, the 2nd, the 5th, 6th, & 13th. If I free up anymore vacay, I'll take the 9th off too.
I have since changed my mind from my previous response. Anytime will be a good time because I plan on hanging a stand to kill this coming season. My way of thinking when it comes to these deer has changed this year.