My pond used to be full of cattails on the shallow end. Never knew the woodies were using it for night cover until one night walking in from deer hunting I heard a swoosh and splash. These past couple days of wind and rain would have been perfect for hunting them. They get back to roost early on those days. I have had muskrat in the pond for several years. They get a pass for a couple more year. When I retire, they will be trapped out so the cattails grow again.
I like grouse quite a bit more than pheasant, but pheasant is so much fun to hunt, especially with a good pointer. Not that I don’t care for pheasant, I just prefer the flavor of grouse more. Huns and chukkar are first and second for me, then grouse. Huns ( I believe called gray partridge now in this PC world) are really fun to hunt, they hang out in stubble fields. When you jump them the entire flock always gets up at the same time, end up with quite a few doubles. I seem to always flock shoot the first shot and then settle down and remember to pick out a bird on the following shots.
I have my 2nd grandson coming around thanksgiving this year... Can't wait to cuddle that lil dude up tight in my arms!
Been watching soldiers returning home and funny dog videos for two days. haha. Those are two darn good things! What is wrong with me?
Looking forward to tomorrow grandson is coming over to stay. He is going to be 1 next week and he is a little monster, constant movement, always wants to be outside, eats like an animal, he gets hangry. Can not wait till he can talk I want to hear what he has to say, not sure what he is trying to communicate now but based on his delivery he means it.
I decided I will not have a dip of skoal in when he is awake when he stays over Saturday into Sunday. Baby steps.
Getting the call from my son asking me to bring the tractor to get his buck out of the woods. I was so excited for him it felt like I was the one who got the deer! Sent from my SM-G981U using Tapatalk
Gonna be a new grandpa today.. May be a Bourbon kinda night! Got a text last night at 2 am that her water had broke and they were on the way to the hospital! She is 34 and has been trying to have a baby for 12 years. Poor kid went through all kinds of procedures and therapies to get pregnant and she had all but given up--- and out of the blue BAM god touched her! She will be a great mommy! Kind of sucks that I can't see her or the baby till they come home due to the CRUD rules!
A couple of days ago, I put together a checklist for a trip to MO next week. While making breakfast for the family this morning, I was looking it over and saw that my oldest, who is 9, had added “Picture of family and bug spray” to the list. He is super excited for youth weekend this coming weekend. Here is his shooting from the range on Sunday.