Installed a security system and a new front door this week on the house. My wife wanted our home more secure after seeing all the crap going on for the last several months. We had been discussing it for months, but finally got around to getting it done. Now, she wants her own pistol and for both of us to get concealed carry permits. I have been trying to talk her into for two years, but she never wanted to spend that much time away from the kids. If this world keeps going the way it is, I may be able to talk her into some basic tactical training. Oh, and she wore yoga pants all weekend.
Going to be 78 today leaves are turning I have the day off marinating the pork chops, dinner served at 5:30 motor boating after that.
@Fix & @Sota I really married the right one. We have some new neighbors that just moved here from California. They have a some little ankle biting schnauzer. Our first interaction with them was when said dog got out and ran up onto our porch while we were enjoying the day. As the lady came up on the porch to get him.. My wife: "Whats his name?" New neighbor: "Dixon" My wife: "C'mere **** Skin" New neighbor: "It's Dixon" My wife: "Yeah, that's what I said." As the neighbor leaves the yard with **** skin in tow.. "I ever tell you about Cancun Spring break?"
Pretty stoked the contractor dropped off material tonight to start the redo of the steps by the lake and the stone retaining wall starting tomorrow.
Oldest took her SATs for the first time and just got them back. Not a world beater score but competitive. Good all around student athlete. I hope she lands in the right spot after working her butt off for so many years. She is pretty much a wind em up and let them go type of student. Self motivated and easy.
Congrats. But don't read these sorts of articles :
We tried going yesterday but our earliest beans (1.6s) are still 16-20%. Hoping that means the yield is there. I'm expecting our yields this year to maybe be some of our best ever. We've had equipment ready for 2 weeks now so we're getting awfully impatient. My BIL farms on some lighter ground about 7 miles away so we've been helping him to pass some time. Exhaustion isn't there yet but ask me again a week from now! Man I love this time of the year.
My wife accepted a job with another school district today much closer to home. She also will no longer have to deal with the miserable ***** she currently works with and that should improve her attitude. The job will be at the same school my grandson will go to when he starts school.
Now because of new school she starts the day we were supposed to head to Florida to fish so she can't go. Says I should still go and fish with friends. This is going to sound so 10 ply soft and pathetic I would rather that she go with, but I already texted 2 friends.
We are all so dang happy about the wife's new job. My grandson will get to grow up like my kids, hang out after school to get home work done, or be a gym rat like my son was. Grandma will drive him home when she is done working he will not have to go to day care or ride a school bus or be a latch key kid.