Doing online research and learning the 233 acres that borders a little 30 acre parcel you have permission on is open to public hunting.... but very few folks if anyone knows. Its private but under a State Commercial Forest management program and one of the rules in being apart of said program is to allow hunting and fishing to the public. Even my buddy who has lived right next to it for 20 years was not aware... We have a new little secret
I can already feel the cold October air and wind. Off work and totally in the moment in the woods. Ain't nothing like it.
I'm off to my youngest daughters soccer tourney in this heat...on a turf field. Gonna be smoking hot.
I do have my first hunting trip in my sights... Just a couple weeks away... And I will have cool weather. Actually it's probably going to be 10 degrees cooler at night, since I wont be in this nearby town...but the mtns nearby.
Every single day when I get home I am so grateful that I am so far out in the middle of nowhere, the strife in the cities around the country is a world away, even the crap in the suburbs is an hour away.
Im working on that. I have 5 years before my last son finishes school. Then Im out..however, I may go before then, just don't how much more I can take
I was out already where I lived before but it was a bedroom community so it was as like a suburb. I had seclusion and privacy but I do not regret giving that up, as long as the density is down. I am a firm believer in when people get crowded people get crazy.
well I now live where we used to farm. 1500 acres is now neighborhoods and warehouses...including 1 million sq ft Amazon.. we didn't own the land, we were just the farmers...
Yeah where I grew up we could wander the wood lots and fence rows hunting, now when I drive thru it is the same houses and warehouses.
I hit the age/work years requirement to fully retire in 5 years and 5 months. If I didn't have kids, a house, dogs, bills, a wife with more ambitions, college tuition to help with, and like 99 other things, I would live on my measly retirement and make the best with what I had. This would be me in 5.5 years.
I have 15 years left or less thing is I do not really want to retire I don't hate my job, I can't see not working, I see working less hours but I would drive my wife crazy if I was home every day.
No matter how much land or where you buy it, it never is like the place we grew up...It always felt like endless woods even though they were not
I can retire in 1o with 25 years..that won't give me much...however, I am going to down size in house and live in a much cheaper county..I could also work part time at the local hunting/fishing store.. to make ends meet.