Will say this I am sleeping good and that is a big part of feeling good. That and the same thing for breakfast and lunch routine helps manage the GI.
So over and out done completely done at the ranch feels good going to be a good weekend no worries. Dirt road in the Twilight, honkey tonk moon shining on my baby and me.
I cued up a song before I left the ranch one that I loved for a long time that kept thing in perspective Kenny and Dave I'm alive.
I’m new here so still finding posts to comment on. My thing is my little girl who turns 2 in December. And now she is expecting a sister later that same month. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I have never had the cast iron stomach have dealt with IBS since I was a youth, on the bright side it keeps me from getting fat.
Mine is the first week of November. I’m just glad theirs fall inside hunting season here so they have the possibility of harvesting a deer on their birthdays one year. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
yeah, I really have to abuse myself to get fat. Hard to pack on the pounds when you're renting your meals.
Spraying gravy, I eat the same thing for breakfast and lunch everyday to try to manage it, does not always work. Nothing worse than a brown alert and you are 10 miles from home.
Friday tomorrow, son and his wife and their dog headed up for the weekend. Boat drinks tomorrow night.
Going to raise it a bit higher. Early 20's medical testing lower GI. I do the prep where you do not sleep because you are puking out your a-hole all night, get up go to the clinic in my home town and who is assigned to do my pre procedure saline enima? My best friend's Mom from high school. Yeah that was a **** show.
Imagine bolting off the table to a toilet close to the table and you are unloading like you never have and everybody can hear it and you do not care because something inside of you very desperately needed to get out.