Jake and I had an awesome time in a small town bar, talked to some old timers and regulars, even had a regular buy us a round.
Was a great day. 10 Spot in Royalton, MN is the next one. And a visit to his home on the lake. Gotta get some more MN people together. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Grandsons coming for 2 sleeps. We have missions, we have a tree top to burn up and some metal detecter work. Oldest grandson will inspect the dock and make suggestions.
When I was a kid I was a penny collector, you could buy books at coin stores that you could press pennies in for the year they were made, I think I had 3 books filled. I have always checked dates on coins that I get as change and yes I will pick up a penny found on the ground. I got a dime back as change yesterday, it was a 1954 silver dime. All these years of checking change I finally scored a silver coin in circulation.
I’m 10 minutes west from Milaca. Our hometown rivals… town sucks but they have one of the best Mexican restaurants I’ve ever ate at. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
One of my old guys telling me this morning he got picked up for a very selective assignment in the pd and thanking me. Means a ton. Miss those guys.
I’ve had both acl replaced and now one total knee. The other is need of a knee replacement also. I’ve been hard on my knees over the yrs. 4 yrs of carrying an M-60 in the USAF and sports , oh yea dragging a buck out of the woods is how I popped my 2 nd ACL. And I finished dragging it the rest of the way 300 yards.
Easter weekend wife and I are fishing in Florida, Friday Saturday Sunday and Monday, guided and kayak
Took the Grandson to school, getting a chance to have them " captive" as we waited for doors to open. Early morning they are calm and chatty. Oldest coming instead of going in early with "aunt " teacher freind. Saying he changed plans when he found out I'd be taking them
Son turns 11 years old today. He has been working through online Hunter's Safety the last few days. There is a youth model 7mm/08 waiting for him to get out of school today.
sometime after july, however i have first Grand BABY coming in late July early August so it may be pushed back til after archery season.