We are still under a bunch of snow but with 3 more days of great weather there is a chance I'll see yard by Friday Sent from my Pixel 6 using Tapatalk
In 3 more weeks we may see ground PS I just installed my 2x2 ft. liability sign. BEWARE ICY It's nailed to a, edge of drive, tree before you get to the parking area.
Warming up a lot here too. Two weeks ago it was around 8° to 20°. Got quite a bit of snow around the area. I went snowmobiling the last two weekends, 2' to 3' of fresh powder to play in. This week it is going to be in the 60's by Thursday.
Son in law sent me a post. The lake we drove on Sunday to get the boat lift and dock, had fish houses going thru the ice on Monday dodged a bullet.
Went to TSC and free ground EVERYWHERE. Hit our road and deep snow getting deeper the hogher I drove. It's going to be a while. My Beware Icy sign looks good coming down drive and hopefully works for deliveries. Unloading the car was a trip. Hopefully tomorrows rain and temps helps clear some of it. I DID A bit of tire spinnnng across the area with my rear studds to help break it up a bit.
My daughter and son in law are away on a vacation my wife is staying with the boys. FaceTime call tonight boys telling me they want two sleeps at the lake. They have no idea what it means to me that they have a place they call the lake, lifetime goal achieved, all my heroes had lake places life on the water.
the ice is no joke, i fell again and this time my leg buckled and for the first time in decades my heal touched my hamstring with me landing on it at the same time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! my knee is the size of a small basketball / volleyball. its NOT my surgical repaired knee,
Dang that really sucks. Hopefully it isn't major. You gonna get it checked or just rest, ice, ibuprofen?
this happened on Saturday, and I've been icing and Tylenol. pretty sure Pulled my quad and or my groin muscles
Man, I'm sorry to read that. Glad that your around to recount it though. Stay iced up on knee and get the swwelling down. Don't push it.
Our knee joints compress over time when not routinely stressed under pressure. I bet your joint capsule is hurt. I started doing split squats years ago to regain my knee joint flexibility based on both knees having had acl repairs. It has really helped. Even non weighted "sissy" squats help put pressure on your joint capsule and patella. Try it out when you heal up.
If you continue pain and swelling I implore you to get to a Doc.. I didn't and made a meniscus WAY WORSE which caused more damage and increased arthritis Out of two different bad knee injuries, it's the "repaired" meniscus tear that's causing me major issues now. The repair was having to remove 2/3 of it. The complete tear of ACL, tear not fixable, was taken care of with 3mos of PT with no issues after. Which I still don't understand but grateful.