Congrats. That's really awesome. And while I don't mean this to be pejorative, I hope the girls also know how to lose...or rather learning the grace aspect, how a loss doesn't define them and gives them the motivation and resolve to dig even deeper and try even harder. Stuff that I see that seems to be missing in many kids and their parents nowadays.
Loved one finally gained weight after 6 months. She had lost 40 lbs in 5 months. I pray this is the beginning of her healing. We have been on shaky ground since last summer.
Got two tickets to see Chicago in concert in June. Color My World was the first song my wife and I danced to at our wedding reception. Now we get to hear it live, two days before our 46th anniversary. Life is good!
So last summer I told you how a bunch of food bank throw aways were given to me . Chickens were very happy but, it had some good stuff we ate. Yesterday a delivery of things showed up . I guess they have to show a certain amount given out or they lose on next one. 20 #s of speghetti squash, 35# of mostly green juice oranges, 4o#'s of the smelliest cooking onions ever and 10#'s of clementines . 30#'s of big green pears. Now what to do with all that as it is ready to go bad. Man I've been busy. French onion soups on. A huge pear crisp made and very happy chickens. Squash seeded and cooking in oven. Oranges peeled sectioned and in freezer. Mandrine yogurt pops made and fresh orange sherbet will be done tomorrow. Some onions done for soup and frozen. Way more to get finished but I even have plans for the huge number of seeds gathered. BTW No one wanted green oranges, well they are perfectly safe to eat and actualy quite ripe. I looked up green oranges and it's a thing that some times happens when they shelf age. Green with brown blotches...someones loss, my gain. Garden eaters are never as picky as store food
Spag squash tossed in butter, S&P - top with a sauce of some diced tomatoes (san Mariano ideal), a bit of garlic, basil and a neutral of the few veg meals I had that was really good and I didn't miss meat...
My son is headed up tonight to stay over and drop off the grand dog he is headed out west sking, his friend is meeting him here. His friend is one of my favorite high school friends that my son had, great young man, will be good to see him again. Wings and beer on me boys tonight, I will join them for a 1 beer and a couple wings.
Yes sir, not only do they know, they are all too used to it. We all come from a tiny program and a very small county. We learn from our losses(more so than wins). At both tourneys we had to make huge come backs to win. Our thing is we can lose but we will never be beaten. Going to miss this group if I don't coach next year! Sent from my Pixel 6 using Tapatalk
Got so much done Bags of frozen onions, squash, orange sections, orange sherbet, and orange/yogurt pops, fresh squeezed orange juice in frig. Quarts of saurkraut fermenting more to be made. A pound of squash seed drying. Very happy chickens laying eggs
Blowing snow had to move my son's friends pick up it ran like crap. Took it into town and got the oil changed, tuned up and filled the gas tank. I have known the young man since he was 8 know his single mom and his POS dad, not charity you are my son's good friend he finally got a job in his field and is broke as hell, I would do the same for my son. Driving that truck reminded me of when I was young and broke and drove a janky vehicle.
We just played for 10 hrs.... They stink lolol. At my height I get pushed to the back. Sent from my Pixel 6 using Tapatalk