Maybe so guys but he could have killed her, not cool. She punch first , punch her back , wouldn't care if he dropped her and hit her with a swift kick to boot . That was just reckless and stupid.
Nope he ended it she was stupid tough trash, she was lucky she did not get shot, it was justified she could have been shot, act like a man throwing punches
Learn what USE OF FORCE means, it would not have been Justified! It was a verbale altercation, he went around car and got into it with her, she never showed a weapon, his life or passengers were never in danger. If she knocked him to ground and tried to run him over, different story. Punch for punch , another day in the hood. If the Courts have different view of fist fight where this happened, then I would be totally shocked anyone is still living there, they all would be dead...
I don't put much thought in about trash in the street. Honestly let the city trash kill and maim each other. I am never going to find myself in that situation, I would not even engage with a fat tub of **** road rager.
Damn cold outside, luckily it is windy too for an added nice touch. Took a package of soup bone from my daughters cattle out of the freezer. Going to slow cook that all day and make beef vegetable wild rice soup with carrots, onion, mushrooms. My lovely bride will be baking artisan bread to go with it. Cabin fever might as well eat well.
Grandsons dbl'd Oldest BB 30 to 8 and he had 24 rebounds Youngest won first wrestling match. Both at same time miles apart in different towns. Mom and Dad are busy. 10 and 7 I'm over the moon for them.
Boys are coming next Friday-Sunday will make this week less annoying, check with me on Sunday I may be celebrating them going home. Handprints everywhere at 3' windows, fridge, finding nerf bullets for weeks in the damndest places, getting asked why 1000 times. Oldest grandson will be pissed if there isn't snow to blow, he was all over me to get it running again.
Egg prices rising. Dead of winter and I'm getting 4-6 eggs every day. 17 birds, 2 are roosters and 7 are 18 mos. Old and naturally not laying much because they were prolific last year.
When you are out of beer and don't want to go to the store and you find a couple hidden ones behind the BBQ bottle.
All the grandsons under our roof for the weekend, 2 grandsons and Larry the grand dog. Nothing but hand prints and nose prints on every surface. I will get ordered around like a private, short order on demand cook, run logistics to get anything from town, reload nerf guns that will be used against me. prepare the sled run and get nut head butted 20 times, can't wait.
This weekend low 30's day time Next weekend low 40' day time Hope that's a long lasting trend through April
I have my first 4 quarts of sou vide yogurt fermenting. I'll find out at 10 pm if I screwed it up or not.
Yogurt is difficult to screw up. If you brought the milk temp up before adding the culture, but didn't let it cool enough was about all I could manage to mess up.
It is thick and beautiful. With the meds and being sick my gut will need a bit of help. I already started with my home made Aronia juice.
Daughter brought 2 dozen eggs over when she dropped the boys off, kinda funny eggs are not expensive on the barter system. Free beef, eggs, pork and chicken.
Ya going to toot my own horn Today I let 3 older people in front of me in line. Then remember 1 acre hunting camp. The guy that has made life a challenge for many a year and caused me to have to put up a fence, caused me to call the cops when he shot at me in my elevated stand as a "scare" dang, near hitting me. Well I drove by the camper and noticed door wide open. He would not be back until spring. I turned around and went to his relatives house and reported it. They went up and found both doors wide open and called him. They came to the house to thank me. If I have to be around ppl I might as well try and do a good thing when I can.