Neighbors headed out this morning won't be back till March, operation cull will be started. I have not seen a red squirrel since last winter.
I got the sou vide cooker I asked for at Christmas. I had cut a few roasts just for this. Marinaded 3# sou vide venison roast. OMG! cooked 6 hrs and beautiful hot red meat,med rare, and cuts and chews like butter. This will make the best shaved ,horse radish and mayo wraps ever. Yogurt is next PS hubby poo,pooed me over wanting this....he raved about it.
Those of you who have sick kids know sometimes it's hard to find things to bond with them bc they are so tired. Got my son a pour over coffee maker and some different kinds of coffee. He loves and talks about it. So I guess that's bonding! Ha
well i had a bad day on Saturday, i had a friend pass away, Vic helped me set up and run the archery shoots at the Sportsmen Club i belong to. i sent my Son a Text late, letting him know that Vic had passed. 2 Min later my son called. My son had meet Vic a few times, apparently my son knew i needed to talk and that's why he called, in the middle of being out with friends he stopped and called!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I must have done something right!!!
The video from Toledo of the road raging mad cow getting body slammed, she is the cause of her own suffering, as Sam used to say.
I pulled off the perfect commute this morning on I 94 from Albany to Rogers MN. I got on the freeway and set the cruise at 79 I did not once touch the brake or come off cruise until I hit my exit ramp. Sure part of it was luck but still, it is like pitching a perfect game.