i am 68 + years old, have two children, No grandkids, figured some time ago i will not enjoy grandparent hood ! Just found out I WILL BE A GRAND DAD ! WHOOO HOOO
Congrats Grouch. You’ve never had as big a smile on your face as you will the first time you hold you Grandchild.
My son, he is taller than me by 6" he is personable and charming. He is the child we lost to the city. He had his review today, he was the youngest Sr project manager the firm has ever had, next year he will be the youngest partner the firm has ever had. So proud of him he works his azz off and is smarter than me too.
Daughters is up for a few days doing a work shop in Towne Gov. She won an election. Well went out to dinner and even though allergic ordered a low boil....I'm watching the pup and she is beyond generous. Brought it home to me. Hubby is also allergic....what a heavenly huge lunch I just had. She's also making dinner tonight. So proud she's my daughter
https://youtube.com/shorts/if9jOabB0LI?si=f7Mz6nAtgjO_kPv0 This is just the best Sent from my Pixel 6 using Tapatalk
I bet that is just the ratio for legally owned guns and doesn't account for anything owned by criminals or those who skirt the laws that oppression their second amendment rights in places like Commiefornia and Chitcago.
Holy moley that woman can cook!!! If she visited more often I'd lose all my weight efforts. Full blown stir fry feast for hubby and perfect filet mignon with huge scallops for us. OMG it was good! Need to remember to let her know I snuck in a bill amongst her bags. No way allowing that cost to fall all on her. I sneak bills to her , she sneaks bills to me. Anyone ever having to clean out our places will find lost treasure. LOL
I'm accident prone ALL my life and I'm alive right now. Headed out to chickens and our daily hike. Gal. of warm water in one hand, egg container in the other. Taking small steps due to it's snowing and the snow is that slick dry stuff. Looking down at my feet as usual because I tend to trip. I hit a patch of ice, as I'm watching water jug flying away from me, I knew to drop elbows and force a turn. Now this was a split second thing but believe me it's second nature, the elbows hip and even arm/shoulder can be fixed. Hitting my head can kill me two ways in the country here. Out right with the blow or freezing to death in the driveway with a bleed. Elbow hurts, arm jammed shoulder pretty bad. That hurts more, hips fine and still managed a slight hit to the side of my head. When I say slight, barely. Though the strain on my neck trying to avoid that is a bit...noticeable. Put a call into hubby for a hourly check. Almost 66 falls can be bad, thank God I've had a life time to learn...lol