I need to do it. I've dreamt of finding a treasure my entire life. I thought these creatures were leading me to the treasure today.....instead I became lost and was a half mile deep on private property with rock salt being blasted my way.
so SSG Mrs. Noodles is watching some stupid assed Springtime jerk bake-off cooking show whilst we were eating dinner [a honey/spicy glazed pork and noodle concoction I made myself; flipping amazing BTW]; and on comes a commercial for Amy Schumer's new cooking show "Amy Learns to Cook." My wife, in perfect deadpan, says "I can't wait until Episode 3 where she claims the asparagus tried to rape her....'I was just looking at it, thinking how much it looked like a p__is, and then it tried to jump in my mouth. I called my friend Lena Dunham, and she said asparagus tried to do the same thing to her except she let it because she thought she was pre- $lut-shaming herself . #believeallwomen" Literally the funniest spontaneous thing I have ever heard. I love my wife.
The belly laugh I just had from watching Zach off The hunting public dye his peach fuzz stash..hahahah...phew!
Ah. Sorry for the demotion. I was SSGT, E5 in the Airforce and forget other branches get it wrong. Sent from my SM-G960U using Bowhunting.com Forums mobile app
It was so good my son in law was still working so I left my daughter to grill the rest of the venison. We bring a loaf of frozen bread dough and make a loaf twice a week never a left over. Best thing ever getting to spend the day with the grandson and cook for my little girl so she can come home from work and relax. Little does she know how how much it means to my wife and me to get to do it.
...but then he'd never find it. **** Maybe more relevant to the Netflix and COVID thread; but something I have become oddly addicted to during the quarantine is "The Hoover Boys" channel on YouTube. Metal detector fanatics who live/operate in Maryland and Virginia. They do find some really cool relics, some really old coins and stuff; even from 1500s sometimes.
And they have a First SGT rank where we (AF) had that as a duty position. Worked for an Army First SGT in Honduras where we were putting up our tents in preparation for an exercise. An absolute sum ***** those first few days. We called him beast master behind his back. Some how he found out about it and laughed his @ss off. He had too much fun with that. He would say, the beast master has spoken or I am the beast master. Turned out he was a fun guy to be around.
went on a grocery store scavenger hunt for meat yesterday...sams, costco, local chain Jewel...ended up with a freezer full of chicken, 2 pork roasts, about 10 ribeyes, and a couple slabs of ribs. All of it at decent or sale prices, too. Should have enough to get us through May. 4# pork shoulder in the smoker right now...
Can't find pork butts anywhere around here. I have about 7 racks of ribs. My boy works part time at a grocery store. He let me know they had whole pork loins in. Didn't like the price but bought one anyway. Got a recipe from a Steven Reichlein show. Loin stuffed with pastrami, cheese and kraut wrapped in bacon.
Sounds good! I did something similar with some venison backstrap. Delicious! Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
they had huge pork butts at Sam's yesterday but the price was also huge and you could only buy one large pork/beef item per family...we chose the ribs instead. There's just me and the Mrs. so we don't need big portions as much as families do.