Had to go to the B-I-L's yesterday to help him hang cabinets. A little sore this morning but it wasn't from the cabinets. Got mauled by his 10 month old yellow lab pup for 4 hours. Daisy is a little 53 lb tank who's pronouns are... I am a lap dog, I can't sit still and in your face. Just a beautiful, very high energy dog. Was a blast!! Wished I would have snapped a couple pictures of her.
I had never had any social media before last summer. I got instagram to share some fishing/hunting vids. A couple months ago I started noticing complete craziness every time I looked at that instagram app. Just not mentally healthy... So I deleted it off my phone. Today I deleted all political subscriptions off of my Youtube feed and Instagram. Never again.
Thank you! I plan on having many more, though I know I'm climb a short slippery rope on that front...lol So I'm going to put my best effort into staying strong in the climb to reach the very top before I run out of steam. Enjoying the views and effort the whole way.
Man just shut windows, got a ton of work done today. Bunch of trees cut and cleaned up this afternoon and worked on the brushbfence mid hill behind the guy cutting his pines got a lot done down there. Want it at least waist high by mid summer, 2 hundred yards long.
November 9th 2022 was the last time we have seen 50 degrees. Ready for this snow to melt so I can scout, shed hunt, and start running outside!
It's 73 here right now, just finshed seeding half the big upper clover plot. ...thunderstorms due later
I don't want to pee on your good feelings, the state fair starts 1n 141 days. I will be lucky if my dock in in the water for 100 days this summer.
I wonder what @Berwickbuckmaster is feeling reading through last years Live from the stand thread. He sure is liking a lot of my old posts. It made me go back through some pages... That is an amazing thread. Can't wait for cameras/scouting/deer hunting.
Youngest grandson facetimed me last night, first time ever he called me bum pa. He is such a happy little guy.
Got home and the house is 72 degrees no heat on, free heat from the sun on the front of the house, granted that free heat will cost me big in running the AC because of the free solar heat.