So my oldest that's leaving in under 90 days and I decided to go to the property and walk and talk. Since we are going into town we bring a bunch of clothes and other goods to donate. It takes us 20 mins driving around to find a clothes box ( it's a yellow dumpster like thing that accepts donations) that was open. Then we go to the woods only to realize she forgot her boots it would be a rant but we had so much fun laughing and talking the hr away that we are grabbing lunch at home and going back.
Turkey season opened yesterday and I'll be hitting the woods tomorrow for some solo hunting time. I have the arrows for my old Alpine Denali that I kept for a backup bow set up for turkeys so it'll be coming along. Still quite a bit of snow holding up at the property so we'll see how many birds are actually around yet. I did see some fresh tracks when up there a couple of weeks ago. Assuming there are a decent amount of birds around, I'll also likely take my girlfriend out on Saturday too (shotgun). A weekend in the woods is some needed therapy right now, can't wait. Still too much snow holding where I normally put a bear bait in, so that will have to wait.
He just ended 2.5 days being hooked up to an IV. 3 hrs after it ended he came outside and worked for 3 hrs to help me put up a trampoline. He is a tough son of a gun.
Kids came over yesterday and brought a skid loader, we got the old firewood lean to ripped down as well as the old chicken coop and run. I am sore as heck today but when I go out and walk around it looks so much better.
You’re sore from riding in a skid loader? I knew you were old, but damn man. I kid I kid! We worked in the yard all day yesterday. Cleaned out 6 big flower beds, trimmed all the trees, and ripped up a bunch a bunch of shrubs. Have to admit I am sore myself. Every year the first garden clean up does a number on me. Spring is on the way. Sun is shining. Neighbor planted his wheat yesterday. Soon we will be enjoying 80 degree days at the lake. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I did not run the skid loader I was sorting debris so when the C & D dumpster is delivered on thursday I can get it loaded faster and easier.
I had in-laws stop over this weekend to get out of the city for a second and they were laughing when they pulled in. They said" we knew we were in the country when almost every house is burning stuff" we have a 8ft ring of concrete blocks and we burn almost every weekend this time of year to keep up.
Yesterday my grandson was fussy because of teething he settled into grandpa's belly and he slept well, I may have dozed off too.
Local gun range just opened up, and my new AR lower/upper should arrive this week. Things are lining up. Now the country just needs to keep from falling apart for a little longer Sent from my iPhone using Forums
Waiting for the daughter to get home, then putting venison medallions and asparagus on the grill with cheese ravioli in white sauce.