On a happier note, this guy is going to be a papa for the second time come June. This little one will have a playmate.
Watching the otter pretty much every day, the ice conditions are perfect for it. My know it all FIL was telling us there are no otters here jesus christ you guys are watching musk rats, 1/2 hour later the otter is on the ice, I said look larry it's a 45 pound musk rat, eating fish.
Until a few years ago this would be a rant. The Christmas decorations are pretty much up, kids wrapped the log in the living room with string lights, the tree is up, the outdoor entryway is decoraded in the latest pintrest trend. On a positive there was not a package delivered to this week, not a single one has to end a long consecutive week record.
Heart wrenching it is. Mine lived 15 years and 2 weeks, doing the math he lived a full and happy life. Spent over $100k on the little rascal when you take into account purchasing a house with him in mind for the yard, 2 privacy fences at the former and new house at the time and everything in between aside from food and water to assure his well being. I would gladly spend it again to have him back.....
Nephew came up for the weekend to bow hunt with me. Going to find out how tough he is. Will be 6 below with wind chill of 25 below in the morning. Lucky for him, I set up a blind and will have a small heater in it. Not a fan of sitting in a blind but this weekend is about him and not me. Would love to see him get a deer. He is a great young man. Really enjoy spending time with him.
Nope. Had a forky and does/fawns come by but the bigger boys didn't show. The wind was brutal most of the weekend, but we survived it. Was a fun weekend with him. My sister tagged along with him since she had a few days off. Poor guy heard more stories than he probably wanted to. It was a blast. Both of us, plus the wife, are at the age where if we think it... we are saying it. He wants to come up again for another couple hunts before season ends.
Sunday is going to be the ice fishing opener at the lake. Ice fishing and Sunday dinner. I am tempted to send the daughter and the son in law out to fish and stay in the house with the boys.
Just got word my nephew is going to lose his redshirt tonight and play his first college snaps. It's game 13 but he doesn't care! Team first.
Can't wait till Landon sees his sandbox in the garage, one of his favorite things is playing in the dirt, he will have clean dry sand in the warm garage. Grandma will not complain if he tracks some sand into the house.
This week has started off on the reality of the position note. Have had to let 2 people go, which in this case were still with their temporary employment agency so they did not loae their job in a sense, but lost their assignment. They'll still be without work until a new one is assigned and still sucks to think about. While it was the right choice, would have been a lot easier over the summer rather than holidays. Had to tell another who has been there a couple years less than myself, that if his attendance does not improve and he reaches a certain level, point based, again that he will not be back. I helped him out as a friend and got him below the threshold, but he cannot miss more than 2 days over basically the next 3 months. That's going to be a hard one to take if it happens, but I gave him everything he needs to know and the result if he fails. Come to work, it is that simple and it becomes a moot point. I actually think I had a breakthrough with him, his attitude the past couple days has been outstanding and I think he understands now the gravity of the situation. 4 kids and a stay at home mom for a wife, I told him to not jeopardize his family over not feeling like going to work. Consider him a good friend. And lastly today. Had just finished up my lunch as the bell rang at 11:30 to end lunch break. At 11:31 I heard and felt a rumbling and knew exactly what had happened machine had crashed 250 feet away from my office and it shook my office. Luckily no one was injured, but it scrapped a part and the machine is likely down for an extensive amount of time, weeks. The guy on the machine has had multiple crashes of the same nature at least 4 other times, but were never as bad and this was the first under my watch. After determining the root cause and finding that he once again failed to learn from previous mistakes and broke the same company policies again, I emailed all of the higher ups, supervisors, HR and the owners on what happened and asked for his employment to be terminated. I hate that it is during the holiday season, but I cannot imagine the feeling of having to deal with a serious injury or even death as a result of his habitual disregard to procedure. In the end, it is not my final decision to make, but I will have a lot of things to think about and consider should they allow his employment to continue. I just gave him his 1 year review yesterday. While I said week at the beginning, all of this has taken place the last 3 days. Thank goodness I have the next 2 days off. Sensory overload
Cls, New position might not be all roses all the time but it sounds like you’re making it a better and safer place to work. Take time to consider the good you’re doing as well as the headaches you feel at times.
Just got a job offer i think i may have to take. Sent my counter offer and they said they think they can meet my requests. Only thing they can’t negotiate is vacation since its written in stone by corporate. I currently get 6 weeks paid vacation with a week of pto on top of that. To offset that ill be on a flex schedule. He said i can make my own time and schedule as long as i put the time in. I can work 4/10’s or even 4/12’s when workload picks up to retain my 3 day weekends. If i want a 4 day weekend i can work mon-thurs one week and tues-fri the next. This will also come with a substantial pay raise, a step up position wise, and its 19 miles from my driveway compared to the 38 i drive one way now. Fingers crossed the final offer is what we actually talked about via phone.