Glad she is feeling better, worst thing in the world is seeing your young ones sick and not being able to help
That is definitely a scary thing to face as a parent. I'm sure all kinds of scary scenarios were running through your mind. Glad it wasn't something with long lasting effects and will just run its course. Praying she bounces back quickly.
Thanks for all the well wishes guys and OND. Shes still having a tough time. Wish i could take it for her. You are %110 correct Jeff. I can take quite a bit of pain but seeing a child in pain is my achilles heel.
P.S. .....thanks for the reminder...I managed to find the perfect card for Hubby and picked up our youngest grandsons Birthday card as well. He was born on our anniversary. Got a good laugh reading cards one literally reminded me of an obituary or life time prison term...hahahaha. One was ..." For my husband on our anniversary " open the card and it was COMPLETELY.....blank ...LOL
Girlfriends dad showed up tonight and said he found 30-30 rounds on sale and threw me a box of shells. I look and see they are 6.5 and tell him know he knows I don’t shoot one of those. Goes outside and brings in a brand new Weatherby 6.5 Creedmoor 24I that he won at a raffle… I couldn’t really believe it. Said he doesn’t hunt/use it and neither does his son. Have never had a new rifle for myself. Now to find myself a scope and get this thing sighted in for rifle season! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
If anyone has recommendations on scopes please let me know. I'm a complete novice when it comes to this stuff.
Not sure on the scope, but from what I know of Weatherby, I can tell you what kind of rings and mounts you're getting. LOL Stick with American made if you can is my .02
You can pick up a Vortex Diamondback 4-12x x 40mm for under $300. I have one on my .270. It has BDC lines, sight it in dead on at 100, and it will shoot to 500 yards. I am going to put one on the 308 I inherited from my FIL. I have always been a big fan of Leupold as well, but, at a lower price point, I think Vortex has better glass. They also have an unconditional lifetime warranty. Most other scope manufacturers do not.
What is the likely range/distances you expect to be using the rifle? And what what sort of budget of your money are we spending ;-)?
I will not be shooting more than 500 yards, likely ever. Just want a good, quality scope that I can use mainly for deer hunting in the midwest (100yds is typically the max). Maybe even powerful enough to go out west and shoot up to 500 if I ever want to do that.