I haven't looked at this thread in ages, but wow did you just put a smile on my face. My father passed when he was only 66 years old, but some of my most cherished memories are of he and I sitting in our family room and watching Westerns together. He absolutely loved them and passed that passion on to me. He always made me butterscotch malts and fixed snacks when we watched movies together. Thanks for the blast from the past! He passed away 20 years ago in June. I damn near cried the other day when my youngest son told me he really didn't remember his Grandpa. That one hurt. My two son's are at the end of the train in this picture. My Dad built that and ran it in all the local parades and any other chance he got. His only rule was that there could never be a charge for kids to ride in it at any event because every child deserved a chance to enjoy it.
My second son is a mountain bike XC racer. He raced in the USA Cycling Snake River Rattler this last weekend and finished in 2nd place. Lots of dismounts, crashes, and passes. Terrain was brutal and the riders were stacked up. He rode his hardtail but I think he wishes he would have took a full suspension bike instead... Who says Kansas is flat? Watch 30 seconds or so. The kid has balls of steel. I wish I could get him to wear more PPE. Not sure how he has the legs to work out, football practice 6 times a week and race! Love watching his race footage! If you see any guys cruising the trail with little effort they are ebike riders... :p Recommend fast forwarding to a time stamp of 9:20 if you are going to watch a little. Dang forums edits my link....
Dang that was,great footage. The strength and hand eye coordination needed for that type of ride was extreme looking to me. Thanks for sharing his success.
Found my new auto shop. Getting some stuff ready so I can get new license plates here in MO. Was sitting in their office this morning waiting on the work to be done when I overheard the manager speaking to a service tech, "I have one service tech saying this truck needs this work and another saying it doesn't. What is going on?". I'm sold.
Had a virtual meeting with my Dr today and he asked about the covid booster. I told him that there will be no more covid shots. I explained I had covid and it was not bad at all, he tried to tell me that the shots I had a year ago last May probably helped me. Give me a break, not a rant it felt good to tell my Dr to keep that covid shot.
I used to not like Westerns growing up, might be because that was all that was ever on the TV My dad was killed when I was 10 so not a lot of memories to go on. Some of the modern day westerns started getting into them, although I always liked The Outlaw Josey Wales as the one I could always watch. Wasn't until I started hunting again in 2007 that I started appreciating them for what they are. Every time I'd shoot a deer or talk with my uncle after hunts he had westerns on. Doesn't hurt that I am named after Clint Eastwood and Lee Van Cleef, the cl in my username/initials
Sitting here in my cabin. Got a new recliner. Kicked back,drinking a cold beer, new little kitty curled up in my lap, listening to some classic rock and will be digging into a grilledizza in a few minutes. First chilly night. Wood stove is going. Feels awesome!
High temp of 68 degrees tomorrow. Put off mowing just for it, one mow coming up will be the last one until Spring.
Second week off of nicotine! I hate how I've never been able to fully quit and stay quit. I have quit in the past and stayed quit for years, but picked it back up for one stupid reason or another. I'm done with the withdrawals and now it is just an every now and then, "man a cigarette sounds good", kind of a situation. Anyway, I feel good and I'm glad I'm past the hard part. Some of you may know how my last 9 or 10 months have been. It wasn't pretty, so this is a huge deal to me.
As part of my workup to see what has been causing my chronic cough, doc had me eliminate caffeine. Boy, I thought that was tough...nicotine is probably worse. Good luck to you!
Been 2+ years since Delta emailed me about preselecting my meal on my next trip, got one today I went with the shrimp.
Was going to do low carb pizza tonight, was at the store and walked past meat section amd something looked off. Picked up a package that was rediced for quick sale for $7.14. Pound and a quarter porterhouse that was mislabled as some dort of fondue meat. Steak it is It did try to set off the self checkout due to weight but they cleared it.
The month long saga of trying to get Missouri license plates is over. So now no Missouri hillbilly will throw a rock through my truck window on the public land.
I have been off smokes for years and still think about having one every few months. I won't lie... I just bought a tin of cherry but once it's gone I won't buy another until next Oct I'm proud of you RIdge fight it Sent from my Pixel 6 using Tapatalk