I remember those days...don't miss them. All sorts of crazy. Times 2 mile run...under 12 minutes. Suicides the length of the field. Run hills with a team mate piggyback. I've forgotten other drills...they'd later break us up...as a goalie, lots of diving and rolling drills, lots of penalty kick drills.... I was telling my son earlier this week, to condition for punts, I'd practice with a bball and punt it bare foot.
Yeah, something wrong with the 10 100's in a minute 30. Lol. WR never to be broken... Did the under water training for track. By the time I reached college could swim 80-85 meters without diving in. Interesting side effect? Could get high on 2 hits off the bong.... Did I really say that?
First scrimmage today. He played back up QB and had a nice 6 yard run. A receiver dropped the ball on his one pass attempt. Downside to playing backup is the 2nd string O-Line. Twice on pass plays he had guys on him as he was catching the shotgun snap and took the sack. He held the ball though, and popped back up right away. Played well at DE and forced the QB into a sack with a teammate. All in all, pretty good start to playing tackle football.
16 pints of salsa 8 of beans...before the end of August....it's a good thing to have a head start....
Great article ... good for these girls .. Girl Power: Send your carburetor to Riley’s Rebuilds, the teenage tuners https://www.hagerty.com/media/peopl...uretor-to-rileys-rebuilds-the-teenage-tuners/
My wife is the dyslexia therapist at same elementary school where my younger two sons attend. She sent me a video on the morning announcements, my middle son and his class led the Pledge of Allegiance. Nice to see some schools are still teaching kids patriotism.
Just a shame due to my rib injury I will be unable to help my inlaws move. Perhaps my worthless sister in law can get her slacker kids to help their Grandparents.
I have been meaning to can tomatoes but the weather has been too nice 75 degrees clear skies no wind, September is here going to pontoon till the dock is out.
Daughter sent a video of the grandson playing with a toad at the farm. Funny the daughter said time to leave the toad alone the grandson replied like a true Minnesotan Ah Jeeze.
Not sure where it goes. Been a stressful 37 days without a phone and a pending application out there. Freak occurence or something, but I have 2 disputes outstanding for cell phone service. Thought my USPS application was kaput due to it, but received an email for a driving record search to be conducted so not out of it yet. Not sure where I'm at in the process in hiring, but hoping to get my original phone number back in case a call is needed. Coming up on 18 1/2 years at current job, but looking forward to a switch if available, pay is the deciding factor. Too old to take a big cut, but young enough I can still get in 20 years and save wear and tear on my aging body.
Wife is going to the inlaws tomorrow to start packing, unfortunate that I will not be going with due my rib injury I would be of no help. I will be looking out the window when the wife leaves as soon as she is down the road I am firing up the lawn mower. I will not lie to her I will tell her I paid some idiot to mow the lawn.