Been MIA since spring planting and life has been crazy. Currently in the process of moving to a farm 10 miles south of where I live now. Redoing the kitchen, 1 of the bathrooms, all of the flooring as well as knocking out a couple walls to open the place up. It's an opportunity I approached back in the fall of 2016 after I bought my first farmland and it is finally happening. Not sure if it'll be for 2023 yet but a good chunk of farm ground is also a part of the deal. Possibly enough I might not be working full time in ag research anymore. More than anything, I can't wait to get my kids out on a farm full time and enjoy the childhood I had living in the country. Kids are happy and healthy and the wife is up for a promotion in the coming months as well. Sure have a lot to be thankful for.
daughter and her husband are coming in for a visit, they will be here Saturday, staying til Sunday, Son coming home Also i believe on Sunday. Daughter's husband starting and internship or something (not Sure what its called) he is in med school.
Had 1 important task to get done today at work, compliance for the company 401 K had to be done by July 31st. Got that done and it was huge weight off my shoulders, left work at noon going to grill up a nice top sirloin steak then go for a pontoon ride tonight. First time in a long time I feel great, care free, no grind in my head. I have to post a picture later from Saturday night northern lights and a million stars.
Dont miss the 60 degrees below 0 in winter, snow in July, but seeing the Aurora Borealis was 1 of the highlights of my life while I was stationed in Montana. Will make it somewhere sometime in the near future so my wife can share the experience. Miss seeing the stars also.
The last 2 nights I have slept thru the night without taking any kind of sleep aid, that has not happened in years.
So my little sister had tickets for today's Twins game with her 3 boys, she had a medical procedure rescheduled so she asked me if I would take her boys to the game. I took my little sister to ball games when she was a teenager so it is only fitting I bring her boys. It will be an Uncle Buck afternoon for the boys at the ball park.