As it worked out, it's her best friend since childhood's first house. Luckily, not my far as I know. I told my retirement guy my goal was 40, I have a 1 year to figure that out, I'm a few nickels short still... I told my wife I'd make a hell of a stay at home dad/trophy husband...she didn't buy it, so it's off to work I go.
Tomorrow is Friday, Fridays during the summer are Grandson Fridays. Added bonus no guests this weekend.
When my daughter is the "late" person at the hospital, I get to pick up my grandson from the sitter. Today is one of those days. At 20 months old, you never know what he will do or say. One day he was eating an onion just like an apple!
Finished up our Spring tee-ball season last night. Had a blast with a great group of little dudes. It's cool to see them progress through the year from needing the tee to hit to smacking balls around the field off coach pitch. For the final game I let my older son and one of the other older brothers pitch an inning to the kids. They had a blast, then we had a post-game pizza and ice cream party. With my older son moving to full-time travel ball next year and me being a coach there I may not get to do this again, so I'm going to enjoy it while it lasts. I plan on coaching our 6-week fall league as well.
Isn't it great to see celebrities doing the same stuff as normal folk. Sent from my Pixel 6 using Tapatalk
Anyone who thinks I'm a celebrity needs their head examined. After the game one of the parents asked the kids if they wanted to be pro baseball players when they grow up. One of them yelled "I want to be a Youtuber!" and everyone else chimed in with "Me too!!".
Easton made his first Allstar team this year. The team made it to the quarterfinals and he played brilliantly. He went 5 for 10 hitting with four base hits, triple, and a sacrifice RBI; 4 RBIs, four runs scored, and 10 stolen bases, including stealing home four times. One of the steal attempts at home came from a bad pick off attempt when he was on 2nd. He made an incredible move at the plate that turned the catcher inside out and he dove head first under the tag. Playing SS he made a tag out on a pick off at 2nd. He also turned a double play on an pop fly and then threw out the runner at first. He pitched six innings with 14ks, 3W, 4 hits, and 2 runs scored. He also fielded two ground balls for outs at first while pitching.
Turf fields look amazing! What I wouldn't give to play on turf. As coaches we're responsible for field setup and teardown so I'm always at the field 45 min to an hour before the game to drag it with the tractor, put the bases out, put the mound out, chalk the lines, chalk the batter's boxes, etc. It's a nightmare.
This wasn't at our home park. The fields there are all grass. This was in another city about 30 minutes from us. I was a little worried that the turf would be hard and have faster ground balls and worse bounces than grass. But, these fields were really well maintained and played a lot like grass.
Youngest finishes college in a couple weeks, though she doesn't walk till Dec. Just 1 kid left in (grad) school, but it's on his dime/loans...well except what we're helping with some rental subsidy.
Finished up our 10-year-old in-house league last night. We got beat by a team we beat twice this year. Such is playoff baseball! Anything can happen at any time. We had a blast and went 8-3-1 in the regular season, so there isn't much to complain about. Now we have the All-Star game, which my son was elected captain for and I'm coaching, and 1 travel tournament in mid-July, and I'm done for a little while. Oh, and throw in 3 travel team tryouts in there somewhere too. I'm finding out that baseball is a lot like hunting - it never really ends.
So I've Ranted many times about the gigantic cottonwood tree that craps all over my house all year long, and sits right on my property line with my neighbor who didn't really want me to cut it down... Well, today was a good day. The developer behind my house got a utility easement (storm sewer line) approved because the tie in runs right under that tree. So my neighbor could not stop it. Today was a good day. Best part is it was free.